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Middle East security analyst, Phd, author of #DroneWars bylines @Jerusalem_Post @BreakingDefense adjunct fellow @FDD Exec Dir. @MidEast_Center @GulfIsrael;

Nov 6, 2022, 7 tweets

Time for mole sauce at #chezfrantzman
We began with skinless chicken legs in salt boiling water and set aside

We placed half a tomato, half an onion and three cloves of garlic on a hot pan or skillet (comal) until slightly charred.

We steeped the chilis (these are supposed to be chipotle, ancho, poblano, pasilla, guajillo, mulato) and then removed seeds and pulled them into pieces and briefly put them in the oven on broil.

Then in a mortar and pestle (molcajete) we ground almonds, star anise, cloves, cinnamon and sesame seeds.

In a pot on medium heat we placed a bit of vegetable oil and fried the peppers, garlic, tomato, onion and also added a bit more chopped onion; and then put this into a blender with two cups from the water the chicken was boiled in. We put a dash of chicken stock.

Now in the same pot we made the chilis, we put almonds, sesame seeds, raisins; and roasted them (no oil) until they gave off their flavor (about 5min) and added them to the blender. We blended all this until it was dark red and creamy.

Then we put it all back in the pot on medium heat and began to cook it down.

We added the crushed anise, cinnamon, sesame, almond mixture from the mortar; and then added the chocolate squares, salt, brown sugar, several cookies, and dash of oregano.

We put all this through a sieve, and then placed over chicken.

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