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UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Nov 7, 2022, 8 tweets

#ufotwitter #ufohistory #ukufo
Today in UFO History - Disables Engine Continues To Run
November 6, 1967 - River Avon, Hampshire, England
1/1:30 a.m. On a section of the A338 road [now B3347] south of Sopley, Hampshire, England, truck driver Karl Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the

2/ lights on his diesel truck have failed. As he pulls over, he sees a glowing, 15-foot-wide, egg-shaped UFO that moves slowly across the road from the right, passes slowly to the left, then speeds up and disappears. The object makes a sound like a refrigerator and gives off a

3/smell like a drill boring through wood. Before it goes away, a Jaguar sports car comes from the opposite direction, and its engine stalls and lights fail. The UFO glows a vivid green color. The diesel engine is not affected. The driver of the Jaguar is a veterinary surgeon, and

4/ he and Farlow call the police from a nearby call box. The witnesses note that there are marks on the ground and the road surface seems to have melted. The veterinarian’s girl passenger is taken to a hospital suffering from shock. A week later, Farlow notices that a 200-foot

5/stretch of the road at the encounter site has been completely resurfaced and the call box has been repainted. [Eberhart]

“Now the UFOs Are Stopping the Traffic,” Spacelink 5, no. 1 (December 1967): wrap;
“Landings on Increase,” APRO Bulletin, Nov./Dec. 1967, pp. 1, 3;

Sources cont.:
Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 355, case # 896;
Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, pp. 64–65;
Charles Bowen, "Britain's Busiest UFO Days: A preliminary Survey", FSR (V)13 (N)6, pg. 4;

Sources cont.:
Dan Lloyd, "Round-Up Of Britain's Autumn Flap: Part II", FSR (V)14 (N)3, pg.32;
James McCampbell, "UFOS: MORE ENGINE EFFECTS", 1985;


Lorenzen, UFOs: The Whole Story, Signet, 1969, p.161-162,288-289;

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