GP is changing because the needs of community care have changed over the past 30 years
So in addition to Practice Nurses & GPs there are many other clinicians in the team
Thread ๐งต๐๐ป
1.4million people a day consult a GP practice
Demand has increased (120% compared with 2019) but GP numbers have fallen (1800 fewer since 2015)
In order to manage demand additional systems have been needed as well as using different methods to consult, & additional clinicians 2/
With 7m awaiting hospital treatment, 10m awaiting follow-up appts, an additional 500k are on long term sick leave since 2019
In addition advances in medical care mean many more are on medications, & have regular reviews of care
People live longer, population has increased
There have been many reasons why GP surgeries are struggling
Many negative comments
A lot of misinformation
But there are reasons for #GPCrisis
There is a lot more work being done in community care
And demand is rising
The GP workforce is ageing
The Government has failed to address the issues of retention
Pension Tax
No income increase since 2005
Increased workload & bureaucracy
We have to accept that funding across the NHS is not enough but the lack of investment in Primary Care leads inevitably to all the other parts struggling
10% of NHS budget spend on Primary Care
An overview of the NHS shows all parts are struggling
Investment is needed in most areas
I would argue that General Practice is outperforming with 10% of the budget (ยฃ8bn)
Given sufficient it would help solve the current crisis
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