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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Nov 7, 2022, 9 tweets

🧵 ARIZONA MIDTERMS UPDATE: Our team has knocked on more than 730,000 doors encouraging Arizonans to vote for pro-life candidates @bgmasters and @KariLake. #IVoteProLife22

Here's what they're hearing from voters:

“I did not know that Mark Kelly and Katie Hobbs wanted to use our money to fund abortions up to nine months of pregnancy. I always thought Democrat positions were the reasonable ones and Republicans were extreme. If that's true, I can’t vote for either of them."

She is very pro-life but did not know Katie Hobbs is so extreme on abortion and now plans to vote for Kari Lake. She thanked me for getting out and educating people on the issue.

“Thank you, I don’t have a lot of knowledge on this.”

Patricia was grateful when we came to her door and talked about where candidates stand on the issue of life. She is pro-life and was shocked at how extreme the Democrats’ abortion policy is.

Connie is pro-life but she wasn’t sure who she was going to vote for. After our conversation, she’s on board with the pro-life candidates: Kari Lake and Blake Masters.


I talked to a woman who had an abortion when she was young, and she has never recovered from it. She always wonders what that baby would have been like, and she would have grandkids at this point. She wants to protect other women from experiencing what she has.

Joanne says that she doesn’t support abortion for any reason and that she’s there to help anyone who has an unplanned pregnancy. She loves babies and will be voting for the pro-life candidates this election.
–Maya and Olivia

Deborah had an abortion years ago and regrets it to this day. She doesn’t want anyone else to make the same mistake as her.

Au’Shauntys didn’t know who the candidates were in this upcoming election or their stances on abortion, so she was not going to vote. But now she has information on the candidates and is planning to vote pro-life!

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