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Nov 7th 2022
🧵 PENNSYLVANIA - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Pennsylvania field team has made nearly 700,000 visits urging Pennsylvanians to vote pro-life

Here's what they're hearing from voters:
"I surveyed this brave woman who chose life, even though it meant raising her baby on her own! She said it wasn't always easy, but she made the best decision of her life!"
"I just can’t vote for someone who supports late term abortion."
Read 6 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
🧵WISCONSIN - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Wisconsin team has visited more than 300,000 homes to ensure voters know what's at stake in the 2022 midterms and to urge them to vote for pro-life @michelsforgov. #IVoteProLife22

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Raphael spoke with a couple who were told to have an abortion because their baby had Down syndrome, but they chose life, because they believe that EVERY baby is a gift from God. He had a wonderful life into his adult years.
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I talked to two middle-aged women who were still undecided. I shared our information with them, and by the end of our conversation, both were planning to vote for Life on Nov. 8th!
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Nov 7th 2022
🧵 NEVADA - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Nevada field team has visited more than 150,000 voters to educate them about current senator Catherine Cortez Masto’s abortion extremism and to urge them to vote for LIFE. #IVoteProLife22

Here are some of their stories:
"Now that we have ultrasounds it’s so obvious it’s a human life. I don’t see how Masto can support abortion."
"I'm pro-choice, but I agree there should be limits on abortion. I don't believe in late-term abortion, so, yeah, I would be less likely to vote for them."
Read 7 tweets
Nov 7th 2022

Our team has knocked on over 630,000 doors encouraging North Carolinians to vote for pro-life candidate @TedBuddNC. #IVoteProLife22

Here are some of their stories:
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"Everyone in this house is pro-life!"

A pro-life voter thanked the team for the information on the abortion extremism of Democrat Cheri Beasley.
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"Hearing my daughter’s heartbeat was the best thing that I had ever heard. I am 100% pro-life. Thank you so much for coming and sharing this."
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Read 5 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
🧵 GEORGIA - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Georgia team has visited more than 750,000 homes to urge voters to vote for @HerschelWalker and @BrianKempGA. #IVoteProLife22 #GApol

Here's what they're hearing from voters:
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She didn't know that Democrats are for allowing abortions up to 9 months and because of that is rethinking her voting choices.
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“Fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Stephanie and her family are pro-life and she is working to instill an appreciation for the gift and value of each life in her daughters.
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Nov 7th 2022
🧵 FLORIDA - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Florida team has visited more than 620,000 homes to urge voters to re-elect pro-life champions @marcorubio and @RonDeSantisFL
#IVoteProLife22 #FLpol

Here's what they're hearing from voters:
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"We are all pro-life here!"

A Florida voter is proudly pro-life and has been urging his family and friends to vote for life tomorrow!
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“If Governor DeSantis is pro-life, then I am for him.”

Jose was talking with a voter when a neighbor overheard their conversation and joined them – he and his family are from Honduras and they are all pro-life. They were thankful for the information on the candidates.
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Read 7 tweets
Nov 7th 2022
🧵 ARIZONA MIDTERMS UPDATE: Our team has knocked on more than 730,000 doors encouraging Arizonans to vote for pro-life candidates @bgmasters and @KariLake. #IVoteProLife22

Here's what they're hearing from voters:
“I did not know that Mark Kelly and Katie Hobbs wanted to use our money to fund abortions up to nine months of pregnancy. I always thought Democrat positions were the reasonable ones and Republicans were extreme. If that's true, I can’t vote for either of them."
She is very pro-life but did not know Katie Hobbs is so extreme on abortion and now plans to vote for Kari Lake. She thanked me for getting out and educating people on the issue.
Read 9 tweets

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