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Nov 7, 2022, 10 tweets

本篇推文转发自 #huobi-research的报告:行业近期状况以及对于xen的研究



This week, we focus on the following events: 1) FTX Loses 100 Million XEN Tokens to GAS Theft Vulnerability; 2) BlockTower Putting $150M Crypto Fund to Work as Valuations Return ‘Down to Earth’; 3) SEC Chairman Says CFTC Should Get More Power to Oversee Stablecoins.

Project Analysis: In the past few days, XEN network was very popular in such a bear market. It burned 1400 ETH for the first 17 hours after it established. As a social experiment, what is the charm of it? This article will analyze the XEN Network in terms of the project mechanism

and the vision behind it.

The global cryptocurrency market’s market cap this week changed slightly, currently with a market cap of $921,405,403,413.978. Bitcoin is currently trading at US$19,227, continuing weeks below $20,000, even lower than last week. Meanwhile, Ethereum,

the second largest cryptocurrency, is currently trading at US$1,304, still haven’t recover to the point before the Merge. Most of the other top 10 tokens, including Terra Classic, Cardano, XRP, all have a negative 7-day change, as this can potentially be seen as the bottom of

crypto market or near.

The NFT market last week saw a decrease of 5.97%, with a market cap of US $2,355,639,575.30 this week. This is not a lot compared to last month, with weekly fluctuations over 10% or even 20%. The 7-day sales volume changed by 4.36% to $28,193,656.21 and

total sales did not change very much at 12.23%, to 44,607. Overall, the sales declined a little bit. This week the top 10 NFT brands on Coinmarketcap are all familiar brands which has entered this list before; among them, BEANZ has the most change of 0.34% increase, while most of

the other brands have volume change less than 0.1%.2. Market news (Source: Coindesk, Investing)

Which of the following things did we not focus on this week?

1) FTX loses 100 million XEN tokens due to GAS theft bug

2) BlockTower put its $150 million cryptocurrency fund into operation, bringing its valuation back to reality

3) Aptos Debuts Its Blockchain, Putting Millions in VC Dollars to the Test

4) The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission says the CFTC should be given more power to regulate Stablecoins

5) Crypto Asset Manager Valkyrie Lost the Biggest Investor in Its $11M Funding Round

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