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Write on business with @workweekinc. Co-host @niapodcast. Building an AI research app:

Nov 7, 2022, 6 tweets

Precision on Lego manufacturing is wild.

Every new piece has to fit with every piece ever made. So the most variability between pieces that Lego allows is 0.0005” (half a thousandths of an inch).

Here are some other details:

The Lego factories run have dozen of machines running 24/7 and each machine has a different mold (for different pieces)

Below is a retired Lego mold that produced 120 million pieces.

Here’s the value via Reddit: “At 8 bricks per run, 120m bricks would take 15m runs to complete. 120m bricks at $0.25 would produce $30m worth of 2x3 Lego bricks. All from one mold.”


The Lego molds also explains the very specific numbers in Lego instructions.

Why 284 circle pieces? Injection molds divide well for cavities of 4,8 and 16 (so Lego pumps out 288 pieces with 4 spares).


I’ll be writing more about Lego for my newsletter (including how my kid is going to make me bankrupt from Technic).

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Good short video on “How Lego is made” via Tech Insider


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