SBA Pro-Life America Profile picture
Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Nov 7, 2022, 5 tweets


Our team has knocked on over 630,000 doors encouraging North Carolinians to vote for pro-life candidate @TedBuddNC. #IVoteProLife22

Here are some of their stories:

"Everyone in this house is pro-life!"

A pro-life voter thanked the team for the information on the abortion extremism of Democrat Cheri Beasley.

"Hearing my daughter’s heartbeat was the best thing that I had ever heard. I am 100% pro-life. Thank you so much for coming and sharing this."

Disappointed in Democrats:

Clara met a voter who was born and raised a Democrat but is very disappointed at the current state of the party. She is pro-life and currently unaffiliated, but will likely vote Republican because of Democrat extremism.

Porshia told us she was pro-choice. But when we shared with her about the extremism of Democrats, she couldn't believe that babies can survive an abortion and need medical care. She and her husband both said they will now be voting for @TedBuddNC instead of Cheri Beasley.

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