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Working to end abortion by electing leaders & passing #ProLife laws, with a special calling to promote pro-life women | Follow @MarjorieSBA @LozierInstitute🤰👶

Nov 7, 2022, 6 tweets

🧵WISCONSIN - 2022 Midterms Update:

Our Wisconsin team has visited more than 300,000 homes to ensure voters know what's at stake in the 2022 midterms and to urge them to vote for pro-life @michelsforgov. #IVoteProLife22


Raphael spoke with a couple who were told to have an abortion because their baby had Down syndrome, but they chose life, because they believe that EVERY baby is a gift from God. He had a wonderful life into his adult years.

I talked to two middle-aged women who were still undecided. I shared our information with them, and by the end of our conversation, both were planning to vote for Life on Nov. 8th!

I talked to an older man who told me he was choosing who he was voting for when he got to the polls. I encouraged him to do more research and gave him a doorhanger.

Hailey met a Wisconsin family who thanked her for sharing info so voters know the positions candidates take on abortion.

They used to be Democrats, but after learning what extremist Democrats support, including abortion on demand, they could no longer vote for them.

"Can I have extra to share?"

One pro-life voter asked Makayla for extra doorhangers so she could share voting info with her friends and family.

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