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Nov 8, 2022, 6 tweets

Waiting for ⁦@heidiganahl⁩ to speak at her closing rally. Event was slated to start at 6pm, doors opened at 5:45pm. #cogov

“We turn out, we kick Democrats’ ass!” Ganahl campaign manager Asa Dyer tells the crowd.

Ganahl has taken the stage, saying “If our kids are not OK, nothing is OK.” Ganahl tells the crowd the media are “out of touch” and “don’t understand the Colorado way of life.”

“The media is putting out fake polls, they want to suppress the vote,” Ganahl says. “When Heidi Ganahl says this race is going to be close, it’s going to be close,” running mate Danny Moore says.

“Tomorrow we ride!” Ganahl says. And that’s a wrap on her closing rally.

GOP AG candidate @JohnKellnerCO, slated to appear, did not speak and did not appear to be in attendance.

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