Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 8, 2022, 6 tweets

@peteodor speaks on drugs & technique in GA cesarean (will tweet objectively, discuss later). What #OBAnes risks do we need to discuss - not just induction. DDI may not be the “be all and end all”? #OAA3dc2022

Lower GA rates possible - #COVID19 taught us that. HOWEVER, no data on IV adjuvants (how many GAWA’s were administered - oops already questions) The modified RSI in #OBAnes. Thiopentone is dead (taken less time outside UK) #OAA3dc2022

@peteodor raises the use of opioids during induction - we probably don’t really have the answer (@rosshofmeyr probably didn’t collect this sort of data in #OBAnes airway registry). Propofol not faster, but wins deeper for longer race (no place for thiopentone). #OAA3dc2022

Still a place for sux. Sugammadex mandatory for rocuronium. Maintenance - TCI understudied, which model would you use & what setting: elective/ emergent?(@Eltonchris). TIVA/TCI work better with drugs in syringe - I have spoken (@RobJimFleming) #OAA3dc2022

Final thoughts from @peteodor. Not sure I completely agree with rocuronium for everyone even with sugammadex (titrate additional opioid analgesia to RR, works better if done with intention rather than postop rush). Done properly sevo okay, TIVA may have value? #OAA3dc2022

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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