1/ How many assets does #Alameda have on-chain?
We analyzed 56 addresses starting with "0x" of #Alameda.
The net worth of Alameda is 222.4M USD.
And we also analyzed Alameda's assets and Debts on Defi.👇
#AlamedaResearch #FTTcrash #FTT #FTX
#Alameda's Address (Net Worth >100,000 USD).
Among #Alameda's 56 addresses:
19 addresses have an net worth over $100,000, and 13 addresses have an net worth over $1 million.
Most of the assets are concentrated in a few addresses.
#Alameda's Assets on Wallet (>100,000 USD).
Excluding stablecoins, $ETH, $BIT and $FTT are worth more than $1M.
You need to focus on these tokens, she may sell at any time.
Also, $SRM, $OP, $MATIC, $MASK, $SAND and $FTM are worth keeping an eye on.
#Alameda's Assets on Defi (>100,000 USD).
#Alameda supplied 6,953,001 $FTT ($35.65M) on #Abracadabra.
And she staked 4,606,611 $SUSHI ($6.11M) on #SushiSwap, which she could withdraw and sell at any time.
#Alameda's Debts on Defi.
#Alameda has a total debt of $3.64M on Defi.
She borrowed $1,088,181 $NEAR ($2.75M) on Bastion and did not repay.
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