Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 9, 2022, 5 tweets

@euklaas from @asznl is going to be presenting new perspectives on PDPH later this morning at #OAA3dc2022 and she sent a few teaser slides. The QR code gives you all her references (very useful things these codes)

@euklaas promises an interesting lecture at #OAA3dc2022 - poking the bear from the outset! I’m sure @asznl is pleased to have her amongst their #OBAnes specialists

Challenging new hypotheses. How does #OBAnes feel about the new? @FarberMichaela would probably pay some heed given the disease burden of PDPH with chronic headache (58.6% at 18months 🤯) and changing how we view PDPH is maybe how we change outcomes? #OAA3dc2022

Now knowing that EBP at time of ADP may be associated with less severe less frequent chronic headache, I may have argued with a p<0.05 result - but EPIMAP-2 wasn’t messing around when they choose the requirement of p<0.01. However, still place to safely discuss at #OAA3dc2022

Now @euklaas has a question for @APSForg @SOAPHQ @OAAinfo @KybeleWorldwide @CAS_IEF - given the morbidity and chronicity of PDPH; how are organizations for #patientsafety impacting disparities in equipment like needles? #OAA3dc2022

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