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Nov 10, 2022, 6 tweets

1/ $USDD has started to depeg and is trading at $0.9788.

The USDD vs. USDC/USDT/DAI pool is out of balance, with USDD accounting for 82.27%.

What you need to know about $USDD.👇


What happened on on-chain?

On November 8, whale 0x3f34 exchanged 4,495,446 $USDD for 4,466,269 $USDT, with a ratio of 0.9935.

After that, $USDD started to depeg.

18 hours ago, whale 0x3155 exchanged 6,653,731 $USDD for 6,519,662 $USDC, with a ratio of 0.9799.


How about the #Tron reserve for $USDD?

The total $USDD supply is $725M and total collateral $2B.

Collat. Ratio is 283.01%


Checked the collateral details and found that over 99% of $TRX was unavailable.

And all $USDC is deposited to #Justlend.


The $USDC on #Justlend has been lent out and there is only 596M $USDC left.

So available collateral is only 596M $USDC and14,040.6 $BTC($230M).

The actual Collat. Ratio is only 114%.


If you hold $USDD, please pay attention to the safety of your funds.

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