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Just a wordsmith.

Nov 10, 2022, 11 tweets

Optiven have a brand new office in Karen and they're launching it today.

With their brand new office they will be able to serve both local & International clients better.


By expanding their business globally it means they'll be able to provide reliable service to all their international client's.

The launch is currently ongoing at Karen.


Optiven has played a significant role in ensuring that people in the diaspora invest back home. Their value-added projects offer investment appeal to all the Diaspora clients.

Contact them on: or Call 0790 300300

Among the few East African countries that have visited are Rwanda, Tanzania and Ethiopia.

This is in line with Optiven's objective to provide investment solutions for the East African communities.


Today's launch of Optiven's Global Office in Karen is only the beginning to reach out to the world and in the spirit of Going global.


If you're around Karen you can pull up and witness this great launch of Optiven's new offices... Taking investment in properties global.


The Optiven new office are located in Karen at Zamani Business Park.

They are called Optiven Global Office.


Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Optiven Global Office.


Optiven has been interacting with the international community for a while now by trying to create wealth through investment.

In 2017, they were at Rwanda & Burundi in the spirit of transforming lives of Kenyans living here.


In 2018 they visited Kenyans living in Diaspora... They visited countries like Spain, Sweden and Italy.


The Optiven Global Office in Karen have been launched with the aim of helping more people discover their investment options and also open up to the global stage.


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