Simon Ash Profile picture
Passionate about #OBAnes and #patientsafety (#OBcritcare special interest). Father of 2 future Jedi. Views my own. he/his #heforshe 🇿🇦🇮🇪🇨🇦

Nov 10, 2022, 10 tweets

Missing Voices: the key messages of @mbrrace #MBRRACE2022 not too late for #OBAnes leaving #OAA3dc2022, food for thought for those planning #SOAPAM2023 (@PervezSultanMD may have 1 slide) @OAAinfo @noolslucas @SOAPHQ @emilysharpe @ruthi_landau @Ron_George @FarberMichaela @kkjaermd

Missing Voices: a further 289 women between 6weeks & 1 year postpartum. 13.8 per 100,000.
@mbrrace @OAAinfo @noolslucas @SOAPHQ @kkjaermd @emilysharpe @Ron_George @ruthi_landau @APSForg @dremilym @AmyPearsonMD @docanaesthetic @rosshofmeyr @brucebicard @GongGasGirl #OAA3dc2022

Missing Voices: 9 pregnant women died from #COVID19, excl. them: 10.5 per 100,000, 19% HIGHER
@mbrrace @OAAinfo @noolslucas @SOAPHQ @kkjaermd @emilysharpe @Ron_George @ruthi_landau @APSForg @dremilym @AmyPearsonMD @docanaesthetic @rosshofmeyr @brucebicard @GongGasGirl #OAA3dc2022

Missing Voices: 2020, women 3x more likely die from suicide during/< 6weeks after pregnancy
@mbrrace @OAAinfo @noolslucas @SOAPHQ @kkjaermd @emilysharpe @Ron_George @ruthi_landau @APSForg @dremilym @AmyPearsonMD @docanaesthetic @rosshofmeyr @brucebicard @GongGasGirl #OAA3dc2022

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