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Senior Investigative Reporter @NBCBayArea | Floridian-Egyptian🐫 now Cali guy | God is good | @UF Gator | Bego to my Kels | Peabody, duPont, 18-time Emmy Winner

Nov 10, 2022, 10 tweets

🧵#Exclusive #Scoop
1/ San Francisco DA Brooke Jenkins sat down w/ us for a wide-ringing, one-on-one interview, her first since the election.
We spoke about the criticism she's facing, the Paul Pelosi attack, & her plans to end "lawlessness."

Let's break it down.

2/ Jenkins says as DA, "all crime" is now considered illegal in San Francisco.

She says her predecessor Chesa Boudin (recalled by voters in June) ordered staff not to pursue charges for quality of life crimes (i.e. graffiti), resisting arrest, & certain assaults against cops.

3/ We contacted former District Attorney Chesa Boudin to get his response to Jenkins' criticism of his office.

I reached him by phone.

He answered.

I identified myself.

Then, Boudin hung up.

4/ We also spoke to Jenkins about criticism over her integrity. She said she "volunteered" for recall campaign against Boudin, but 1 day after Mayor named Jenkins as Boudin's replacement, Jenkins disclosed she was a paid consultant ($100,000+) for a group w/close ties to recall.

5/ Filings show the nonprofit that paid Jenkins, "NEIGHBORS FOR A BETTER SAN FRANCISCO," is registered to the exact same address as the similarly named group, "NEIGHBORS FOR A BETTER SAN FRANCISCO ADVOCACY COMMITTEE," which funded the recall campaign against Chesa Boudin.

6/ We asked Jenkins about the recent revelation that just days before quitting DA's office & joining recall effort, she sent sensitive criminal files to the personal email of a fellow prosecutor, who was also about to quit & join recall.

"I did nothing illegal or improper."

7/ The brutal attack on Paul Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, has garnered tons of conspiracy theories, so we asked Jenkins to shed light on what actually happened, including why Paul Pelosi didn't run out of his home after he was able to open the door for police.

8/ While Jenkins admits systemic change won't be swift, she believes San Franciscans are now demanding a DA who can enact progressive policies to *both* reform a broken criminal justice system *and* incorporate accountability for those convicted of crimes.

9/ Jenkins maintains the lead in her race to remain SF's top prosecutor, however, 100,000+ ballots still need to be tallied in SF (about 40% of the total votes cast).

Jenkins, convinced ranked-choice voting will ultimately give her a majority, has already claimed victory.


Check out our full report to watch more of our interview with District Attorney Brooke Jenkins.

Also, let us know what you think --

Where do you want to see change in our criminal justice system?!?…

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