Rheum Cat Profile picture
cry a lot but so productive (it's an art)| @UWRheum @UWEpidemiology 2020 | @OHSUIMres 2017 | @UTMBhealth 2014 | @UTAustin 2010

Nov 11, 2022, 16 tweets

Finally set foot in the convention center and I met @DrBhana for the first time IRL after nearly 3 years of @rheum_covid #ACR22

Zoom and IRL perspective a bit tricky. Took some squinting to confirm identity #ACR22 😂

Met some folks and handed out some branded stickers #ACR22

Also found @PatelAarat #ACR22

It’s @SPARTAN_Updates colleague Liron Caplan #ACR22


@BU_BMC_Rheum colleague
But where’s #Burt? 🐶

Endorsement! 🇨🇦 #ACR22 @UofTDoMChair @Lauren_King_

It’s @RayZuoMD #ACR22

I found #Burt and finally @Tuhina_Neogi #ACR22

Tagging the spondy people now #ACR22

Found @noellealicia242 and her concha #ACR22

Finally got these fine people their stickers #ACR22

Two former @Official_ASAS leaders #ACR22 @annamolto

Finally got @kristenyoung her sticker #ACR22

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