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Nov 13, 2022, 9 tweets

#Arbitrum X #Tally Ho Bridge Weeks

Across Bridger to Arbitrum (Nov 9 - Nov 23)
Note: the data is updated every 48 hours

Addresses that completed below task between Nov 9 - 00:00 UTC and Nov 23- 23:59 UTC

via 👉across.to

Tally How👇⏳Full Threads 🧵👇 1/9


Bridged ETH or any ERC20 token

From: Ethereum mainnet, Polygon or Optimism
To: Arbitrum
🤝50$ not Required


LI.FI x Tally Ho

Bridged any token from ETH, Optimism or Polygon to Arbitrum with min bridged value of 50USD.

Elligible list will get updated every 72 hours.

Bridge Nov 9 - 00:00 UTC and Nov 23 - 23:59 UTC

👉 transferto.xyz

Bungee Arbitrum Bridger / Swapper (Nov 9 - Nov 23)

Note: the data is updated every 48 hours

Addresses that completed one of the following tasks between Nov 9 00:00 UTC and Nov 23 23:59 UTC via

👉 bungee.exchange with a Tally Ho wallet


👀Bridged >$50 worth ETH From Ethereum mainnet, Polygon or Optimism to Arbitrum
Swap any tokens from Ethereum mainnet, Polygon or Optimism to Arbitrum


Hop Arbitrum Bridger (Nov 9 - Nov 23)

Note: the data is updated every 48 hours

Completed Nov 9 00:00 UTC and Nov 23 23:59 UTC via app.hop.exchange with a Tally Ho wallet
Bridged >$50 worth of ETH or ERC20 tokens From Eth mainnet, Polygon or Optimism to Arbitrum


if you face some error in Community Pledge Check this Video I just make for you ✅

⚠️➡️ Tally Ho! web3pledge Error Solved


🎬Full Video🎬

#TallyCash Potential #Airdrops | Finally, an alternative to #MetaMask | Retrodrop #Airdrop



After Complete Check After 48hrs

Claim OAT👇

Full Details :


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