Oren Caspi 🎗️ Profile picture
MD, Ph.D. Director of Heart Failure Unit & Cardiovascular Research and Innovation. Cardiovascular Precision Medicine scientist #HeartFailure #Organoids #DEAHF

Nov 13, 2022, 7 tweets

Top 7 clinical trials in #AHA22 (#AHA2022) on #heartfailure #CardioTwitter

Slides from the brief I'll give today to our team @rambam_hospital

@EricTopol @drjohnm @PSJhund @HeartFailureFrm
You better be strong than sorry - Ultrarapid up-titration vs. Usual care

The old Furosemide never loses (if given in the right doses).
A practical study by @robmentz

Inter-atrial shunting by Occlutech.
Tailoring shunt size (8/10mm) to LVEDP.
Importantly, identifying the super-responders (high LVEDP, E/e', BNP)
Another solid support for RV safety, though no control yet.

A real breakthrough for TTR cardiomyopathy and for the #GeneTherapy field from @intelliatx.

A very elegant, rare study in the cardiogenic shock arena (RANDOMIZATION!). (very) early ECMO had similar results to standard care (Inotropes/vasopressors). ITT analysis. 🇨🇿

Rapid Heart Failure clinics (Day-Care) and Risk stratification should become standard of care. ~20% reduction of Hospitalization with no drug, just a clever strategy 🇨🇦.

And last, but actually, my favorite trial here which did not get enough attention. Cardiac rehab for Breast Cancer patients receiving Anthracyclines.
Fantastic implementation and results!

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