❣️CeCe❣️ Profile picture
Feminist ♀ Second Wave Revivalist ♀ Supporter of the Oxford comma. I block weirdos ❤︎︎

Nov 13, 2022, 21 tweets

Time for 🤡 This Week In Clown World 🤡 (a thread 🧵)

Since last Sunday…

-Stonewall has urged employers to let staff have 2 email addresses so that they can swap gender identities on different days should they feel it’s necessary. This will not be in any way confusing 😬


-The Midwifery Council of NZ is updating its Scope of Practice guidance for midwives to entirely remove the words 'mother' and 'woman'. 🚫🤰

-Thousands of miles away in the US, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer calls women “people with a period.”


-In this week’s most egregious example, a Non-binary Welsh County Councillor made a TikTok where “they” referred to women as “people with c*nts”. Nice & not at all offensive 🙃

🏅In this weeks Sporting News🏅


-biological male “Jacqueline” Mautner won the Women’s Category 4/5 Pennsylvania state championship title at West Chester Cross Classic last weekend. Here’s a pic of Jackie surrounded by the actual winners


-The NYC Marathon introduces a “NonBinary” category for the first time, which is, predictably, won by a biological male. The same time would have ranked “them” 147th in the men’s race 🙃

The mother of a nonbinary female runner has a novel solution for the male domination…


From Sports, to Pageants! 👸🏼

Brian Nguyen became the 1st trans titleholder within the Miss America Pageant, & “Miss” Greater Derry 2023. Brian beat his competition to a $7500 WOMEN’S scholarship. Can you guess which of these lovely ladies is Brian?


In Australia, retailer Target is facing a tribunal for discrimination after a member of staff branded a lesbian a TERF & tried to eject her. Jessica Hoyle wore an LGB t-shirt & was speaking about gay rights & female safe spaces.

Good luck, Jessica, you’re a legend! 👏🏻


-Remember *that* Canadian Woodwork teacher? Of course you do. Halton District School Board now concludes that imposing a dress code would result in "considerable liability," esp in regard to "the transgender community"

That means THIS is “acceptable” & will continue-


-Trans Rights groups in Norway have arranged a Trans Day of Remembrance vigil dedicated to the victims of transphobic murders in the country. This would be a lovely gesture, except…

There are no known victims of transphobic murders in Norway.


-In Argentina, 2 trans-identified males are in custody on charges of brutally murdering a 28 yr old woman.

The murder was reported as being a femicide until it was discovered the alleged killers did not “identify as male” #NotOurCrimes @ReduxxMag



-Trans influencer Nikita
Dragun arrested for felony battery on a police officer, misdemeanor disorderly conduct & battery. After Dragun was placed in a male prison, activists raged. Weird how they never comment on the many vulnerable gay men in the same situation 🤔 11/17

-SNL staff writers plan boycott over comedian Dave Chappelle's hosting gig.

After the announcement, SNL writer Celeste Yim reportedly wrote on Instagram Stories: “I’m trans and non-binary. I use they/them pronouns. Transphobia is murder and it should be condemned.”


-@libsoftiktok spoke to an Oklahoma father who confronted his daughter’s principal about a pornographic book “Blankets” which depicts sex, masturbation, & child rape.

The principal called the police, & the father has been BANNED from school grounds. 13/17

-The Institute of Contemporary Music London found sharing a sign that urged students to report TERFs. They are forced to apologise after an outcry. dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1… 14/17

-Detransitioners Chloe Cole & Camille Kiefel both announced this week that they intend to sue the clinics that performed “gender affirming surgery” on them as teens. Best of luck to both of these brave women ❤️ You can support @ChoooCole here libertycenter.org/cases/chloe/ 15/17

All of these things either happened or emerged since last Sunday.

Let me know in the comments if I’ve forgotten anything & I’ll add your tweet to thread :)

I’ll post a thread of this weeks positive news once I’ve had a much needed cup of tea,


& probably also a brief scream into the abyss, because seriously- wtf is even happening in 2022 😭

Oh, and just a heads up…🏳️‍⚧️Next week is trans awareness week! Brace yourself, because there is bound to be some fuckery! 😬🤡


An addition- thanks @MYST_MX9

The results of changing rooms that are not separated by sex. #SexNOTGender

If you’ve made it this far, & you’re from the UK, please (if you haven’t already!) take a moment to sign this petition to demand an update to the Equality Act to make clear the characteristic “sex” is biological sex petition.parliament.uk/petitions/6232… 🙌🏻

✨Some good news this week✨

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