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🧵 @FreyaVanadiss is attending the debate for #FiLiA. Women from @Womans_Place_UK, @SexMattersOrg, @AllianceLGB here too, as women who have been impacted by gender ideology. Been chatting to a nurse forced from her job for stating #SexMatters #MakeTheEqualityActClear #EqualityAct Image
For those unable to attend, you can watch live from 4.30pm, BST.


#EqualityAct #MakeTheEqualityActClear #SexMatters 🚻 Image
.@ToniaAntoniazzi, a member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked by the Committee to open the debate. MPs from all parties can take part, and the Govt will send a minister to respond. Follow the Committee on Twitter & join the discussion using #EqualityAct #PetitionsDebate
Read 62 tweets
More than happy to confirm that I am a 'Pronoun Purist'.

I will not call a man 'she' or a woman 'he', let alone use 'xe / ze / ey' or any of those other nonsense pronouns.

I am very lucky to be in position where I don't have to.

2 / I realise though that for others this can be very different. They may be able to lose their jobs if they publicly only use pronouns based on sex. It's a crazy situation, but I'm not here to tell them how to navigate that. There is also the fact that we're all 'peaking' at
3 / different times and different rates and so may change our position on how we use pronouns. There is so much to get your head round. As a Pronoun Purist I think we can help others on their peaking journey by pointing out how simply using sex-based pronouns puts everything
Read 11 tweets
We wrote to @parkrunUK to express our concern at their policy which permits men to identify as female
Here is our letter and @parkrunUK response👇 ImageImage
Their reply is disingenuous at best!
They fail to respond to the issues raised including our example of a MALE having held the FEMALE course record at @parkrunUK for 4 years!

Astonishingly, female erasure for @parkrun is ‘inclusive! Image
Parkrun assert they are a “non-competitive socially-focussed physical activity” this is dishonest
As like competitive sports
❗️participants' times are recorded
❗️course records held ❗️@parkrun takes your time & uses the world record time for your SEX & age to produce a score
Read 5 tweets
Blood-serum hormone levels are a red herring, since most of male competitive advantage is mechanical and permanent with male puberty.…

This man is an entitled asshole, and male bodies should NEVER colonize female sport. Image
Sports have rules and categories for sound reasons of equity, dignity and safety, with DECADES of data across every sport showing clear and persistent advantage across events.…

Categories and rules are not created capriciously, but methodically refined.
Physical categories such as age, sex and weight class are based in consistently observable realities, which sport science can quantify across (tens of) THOUSANDS of cases.

#AllMalesAreMale #SexNotGender #DontBeADick ImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
This article about male Glenique Frank who ran London Marathon in the female category is v interesting - please read. 👇Thanks to @georgeabtsports for flagging.

1. Frank seems to think his eligibility for the female category is about passports & “I ticked female because I…
…see myself as female”. (Last night this said “felt female” but article seems to have been updated; unftly I did not keep screenshot.) In actual material reality, UK Athletics rules in force from May 2021 to 31 March 2023 determined eligibility. They required testosterone….
…suppression under 5nmol for 12 months to become eligible & then continuous suppression under 5nmol to remain eligible. Was Frank in full compliance with these rules? If not, he must be disqualified.

2. Frank says he “came out three years ago”. So April 2020. In Oct 2021 he..
Read 11 tweets
Vor ein paar Jahren dachte ich, der gebührenfinanzierte Rundfunk garantiere Rechtsstaat und Demokratie. Dann kamen Corona, Genderideologie/"Vielfalt" und ein Krieg, den Deutschland zu dem seinem gemacht hat, und der ÖRR entlarvte sich als Propagandaabteilung. 1/ #GrimmePreis23
Im Juni 2022 unterschrieben über 1620 WissenschaftlerInnen, MedizinerInnen und andere Fachkräfte einen Aufruf an den ÖRR, doch bitte zu objektiven kindgerechten Sendungen ohne Ideologie zurückzukehren. 2/ @OERRBlog #GEZ… #sexnotgender
Der Aufruf war unterlegt mit einem 60seitigen Dossier, in dem die Sendungen von Funk über Aufm Klo bis zur Sendung mit der Maus etc. analysiert und kritisiert wurden. Bis heute keine Reaktion des ÖRR! 3/… #sexnotgender #GEZ
Read 23 tweets
It is now two and half years since the Queen Elizabeth Hospital King’s Lynn NHS Foundation Trust was advised it misrepresents the Equality Act in its equality policy and equality impact assessments. It is in breach of its public sector equality duty.

#SexMatters #discrimination Screenshot of QEHKL equality impact assessment
The Deputy CEO advised one of our members on 10 September 2020 that the errors were noted and communicated to relevant colleagues for their attention re policies, reports and documents. The list of protected characteristics was corrected but the other errors remain in place.
We wrote to 2 January 2023 asking for the outstanding corrections to policies, assessments and reports on behalf of @NorfolkWomen and the Women’s Rights Network North West Norfolk.

There has been no response.

#SexMatters #SexNotGender
Read 10 tweets
This “sex assigned at birth” BS is the most INSANE thing yet. When I was 11 weeks pregnant with my oldest, I was able to find out his sex via blood test. How? They test for the presence of a Y chromosome in the mother’s blood. If it’s positive, the baby is a boy. Even in the 1st
trimester of pregnancy, the baby’s DNA is detectable in the mothers blood. Isn’t that incredible in and of itself? This is the earliest and most reliable way to determine sex, and it doesn’t require an ultrasound or a doctor to “assign” it based on genitalia, just genetics. The
assertion that a doctor “assigns” a sex like an arbitrary assigned seat in a classroom is beyond absurd. It’s an affront to science and reality itself. You can raise your children without forcing gender stereotypes and still teach them accurate and anatomically correct facts
Read 7 tweets
Hey, @SportsparkUEA yr swimming pool reopens on Weds. You & UEA still haven't sent our members the policies they asked for a month ago. #FOIA

Have you found the courage to face up to the fact that letting naked men into female changing spaces discriminates against women & girls?
You said to @EDP24 that you "do not allow men to use the female changing rooms" and a "spokesman confirmed the centre does not allow men in women's changing spaces and vice versa."

But that's not true, is it, @SportsparkUEA?
Since you rec'd complaints about men in female spaces, you snuck in a change of words. What on earth are "gendered" changing facilities, @SportsparkUEA?

Clear plain language is required. It's an issue of #safeguarding with 12 yr old girls changing without parental supervision. 18. Changing areas are made...
Read 5 tweets
LATEST: Man Convicted for Raping Minor Pleads Innocence Claiming ‘Trans’ Identity. Court used ‘preferred pronouns’ and placed him in women’s prison.
Please read & RT.
#VSezine #ezine #sexnotgender #keepprisonssinglesex
An Indian man has been sentenced to 7 years imprisonment with a INR 25,000 fine for raping a minor in 2016. The court has asked that the fine be paid to the victim directly as ‘compensation’ failing which, his sentence will be increased by another year.…
Under normal circumstances, this would just be quotidian news given the frequency of male violence against women in India. One would even think this was a swift recourse for the victim considering an overburdened legal system.…
Read 26 tweets
Knowing that I had interaction with him when he was a student at Ayrshire College as Annie Bryson has actually made me feel scared as a woman. Looking at my statement and reading the screenshots makes it even more scary. #LetWomenSpeak #NoToSelfID #SexNotGender #StandingForWomen
This is one of the screenshots of Bryson when he was "Annie". Its quite scary now to see when he mentioned the two times he was "misgendered" makes me think that was the two times he was done for rape.

I argued to not group people under the same category.
And during his time at Ayrshire College as "Annie" he stated that he had gone to the papers about the alleged "transphobia" and "homophobia". To which Ayrshire College is nothing of the sort!!!!!
Read 5 tweets
Adam Graham/Isla Bryson, 31, a man who identifies as a woman has been found guilty on two charges of rape. Remanded in women's unit at Cornton Vales until sentencing in February.
#NoMenInWomensSpaces Image
Read 3 tweets
Attention! I've been completely wrong this whole time:

Male athletes racing against women aren't winning because of male puberty, they're winning because of their superior training, fitness, and tactics.

Jordan Johnson was much fitter than the women at this race, obviously:
Kallie (aka Drew) Winners certainly would not have beaten all these cat 4 women without the expert coaching of Rebecca Gross.
Evelyn Sifton just outsmarted the female racers by "taking the better line" and - miraculously - having a stronger sprint.
Read 10 tweets
The mighty ⁌@yvonneridley⁊ and I will display the courage of our convictions next week #WomenWontWheesht Image
2. We remember the fight for women's rights. We know about the campaign to ensure that marital rape became criminal - only in 1989 was this achieved.
3. We know too of the Matrimonial Homes(Family Protection) (Scotland) Act 1981 when for the first time women had the right to seek a safe home, exclude a violent partner and gain a transfer of tenancy.
Read 16 tweets
For real?
Why are some people not mentally ill?
Why so into reality?
Why won’t they say they like porn-style sex? Why don’t they the perform gender stereotypes of the opposite sex?
Why don’t they hate their bodies?

Sure, let’s study that.

Write this down 🧵
Lesson one: There’s no such thing as cis, only those with a mind/body disconnect, and those without.
However your body looks/whatever your mind feels, it’s still the same mind/body. That’s what makes you YOU.

Lesson two: You are what you are. No surgery in the world changes that
Lesson three: You are being commodified.

suicide ideation
how you have sex/never have sex/never will have sex
as you slice & dice yourself into the appropriate shape of your chosen gender

you will never stop making $$$ for industry.
Read 7 tweets
Räume nur fßr Frauen ist die VerkÜrperung von Frauen die Grenzen haben. Grenzen, die die Gesellschaft feierte bis Ideologen lautstark unterbrachen und allen sagten, dass Frauen mit Grenzen bigotter Terf-Mßll seien.
Nice try aber NEIN!
Frauen & Mädchen brauchen Grenzen um ihre Körper zu ihrem Schutz und nicht um irgendeine „Frauenidentität“ auszudrücken.
Frauen, die andere Frauen dafßr beschämen, Grenzen aufrecht zu erhalten, ist etwas, von dem ich nicht erwartet hätte, es zu erleben.
Gleichgeschlechtliche Räume fßr Frauen aka single-sex-Räume, die Personen des anderen Geschlechts zulassen, ist kein Single-sex-Raum mehr. Es ist nicht schwer zu verstehen.
Read 5 tweets
Time for 🤡 This Week In Clown World 🤡 (a thread 🧵)

Since last Sunday…

-Stonewall has urged employers to let staff have 2 email addresses so that they can swap gender identities on different days should they feel it’s necessary. This will not be in any way confusing 😬

-The Midwifery Council of NZ is updating its Scope of Practice guidance for midwives to entirely remove the words 'mother' and 'woman'. 🚫🤰

-Thousands of miles away in the US, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer calls women “people with a period.”

-In this week’s most egregious example, a Non-binary Welsh County Councillor made a TikTok where “they” referred to women as “people with c*nts”. Nice & not at all offensive 🙃

🏅In this weeks Sporting News🏅

Read 21 tweets
Notes for day 1 of the 2nd session of the @BCnursemidwife Disciplinary Hearing for @preta_6.

It took place on Oct 24th

Links to the previous 3 day session which took place in September are linked in the next tweet
#istandwithamyhamm #womenwillspeak #nurseswillspeak
As a reminder, this is a hearing into two complaints (one anonymous, one by Alex Turrif) that were originally about @preta_6’s participation in putting up a billboard that said I ❤️@jk_rowling.
Read 208 tweets
Question: if it is not acceptable to wear a "blackface" then why is it acceptable to wear a #womanface I find it DEEPLY offensive that a man can put on a skirt and make up and say he is a woman. It demeans everything I am.
I have bled, I have given birth, I have nearly died giving birth; I have produced milk for my babies; I have been sexually assaulted; I have been passed over for promotion; I have been harrased and threatened because of my sex by men who think it is fun and games to
frighten a young woman; I have been stalked; I have been talked over, had my career sabotaged and my ideas pinched and all because I am a woman.
Read 12 tweets
TAKE ACTION! Sign our petition to Tell the Los Angeles Film Critics Association: Reinstate sex-based acting awards! ♀️ #SexNotGender

We have just twenty signatures... Can you help us get to 1,000 signatures in the next 2 weeks? Please share widely!…

Recently, LAFCA voted to terminate single-sex awards categories, in favor of "gender neutral" awards, effectively dismantling women's opportunities to win career-changing recognitions.

A whistleblower shared with Sasha Stone at @AwardsDaily that the controversial decision won a 26 to 27 vote in favor of removing award categories for women. The next voting meeting to finalize the decision will be held on December 11, 2022.…

Read 8 tweets
So, people are assigned a sex at birth. Why are some people assigned male while others are assigned female? On what basis would a medical professional assume the sex of the child?

#women #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #whatisawoman #WomanFace #transman #transwoman Image
The reason is that certain biological characteristics are given the name male, while certain other biological characteristics are given the name female. A person who objectively has the given characteristics is called either male or female.

Males and females go through a
process of aging and development. Young females are referred to using the word "girl" while adult female persons are referred to using the word "woman".

People "assigned female at birth" have the biological characteristics of a female and are girls who will grow up to be women. ImageImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
This will be the thread for my notes of the third day of the @BCnursemidwife Hearing for @preta_6 This hearing took place on Sept 23. #nurseswillspeak #womenwillspeak #IStandWithAmyHamm

Day 2 is here and includes a link to Day 1
As a reminder, this is a hearing into two complaints (one anonymous, one by Alex Turrif) that were originally about @preta_6’s participation in putting up a billboard that said I ❤️@jk_rowling.
This apparently morphed into an investigation of Amy’s social media and participation in political action supporting women’s sex based rights and resulted in citation by the College. At one point, it included a charge of provide in medically incorrect information.
Read 151 tweets
"[W]e suffer a lot for not having catchy phrases. That we we really could do with some slogans. I know that people would say that our points are too complex for them to be distilled, but I think it's essential."

@stellaomalley3 at…

Good GC slogans? Go!
#SexNotGender is a key phrase and slogan for me, which cuts straight through the sophistry to the core issue of sex class as the material basis of patriarchal oppression.

Sex ≠ gender ≠ identity ≠ personality or preference.

If you can't sex, you can't see sexism.
#AllMalesAreMale cuts straight to sex in keeping with #SexNotGender, because most of this is not about "identity" claims or preferences.

Few care about a male's "gender identity" claims when he is colonizing female spaces, and it is entirely irrelevant.
Read 6 tweets
WoLF submitted public comments to the US Department of Education's proposed Title IX regulations.

#SexNotGender #TitleIX… Image
Written by one of our Advisory Council members, our comments express our deep concern about how these proposed rules will harm women and girls.

#SexNotGender #TitleIX
Since 1972, Congress has interpreted "sex" under #TitleIX as allowing differential treatment based on sex in some settings, including single-sex athletics, toilets, locker rooms, & showers. These exist to ensure women have safe, equal access to educ. opportunities. #SexNotGender
Read 22 tweets

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