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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

Nov 14, 2022, 19 tweets

Happy birthday Richard Kalvar 🎂
📷 Wet self-portrait, 2014
"Life is a farce, the skill is in showing it."

Coffee time! ☕️
Café "Au Sauvignon", Paris
📷 Richard Kalvar, 1974

Paul Newman at Le Mans, 1979
📷 Richard Kalvar

Richard Kalvar
Pedestrians on the Champs-Elysées, 2013

Richard Kalvar
Wat Aumarinthraram, Bangkok, 2007
Here begins a cat thread within this birthday thread. You've been warned! 🐈‍⬛

Richard Kalvar
Henry Chapier with his cat, at the Café “Le Sélect”, Montparnasse, 2007

Richard Kalvar
Arcachon, Gironde, 2013

Richard Kalvar, 1993
"Attention au chien"

Henri Cartier-Bresson with his daughter Mélanie at their country home in Montjustin.
📷 Richard Kalvar, 1978

During that same 1978 visit to Provence, Richard Kalvar took this wonderful shot of a third great Magnum photographer, HCB's wife & Mélanie's mother, Martine Franck.

Richard Kalvar
A nun in front of an advertising poster for "Vedette", representing la Mère Denis, 1974. The Magnum caption says the nun is "an Henri Cartier-Bresson look-alike" - I'm assuming that's Kalvar's joke. And a good one it is!

Richard Kalvar
Michigan delegation, Republican National Convention, Kansas City, Missouri, 1976
The Magnum caption: "Smart enough to smoke and chew gum at the same time." Again, I'm assuming this is Kalvar's caption work.

Time for another cup of coffee! ☕️
Richard Kalvar
Brasserie Lipp, Boulevard Saint-Germain, 1999

Philippe Noiret by Richard Kalvar, 1990

Here's a moving photograph by Richard Kalvar:
Claude Lanzmann with his arm around Simone De Beauvoir, at Jean-Paul Sartre's funeral, 1980

Vincent Van Gogh's last place of residence, a room at the Auberge Ravoux, Auvers-sur-Oise.
📷 Richard Kalvar, 1993

Richard Kalvar
Looking at Jackson Pollock, 1969

#PhoneCallFromPaul tweet on Richard Kalvar's birthday
📷 New York City, 1976
@Holdengraber @CallFromPaul

Richard Kalvar
Self-portrait, Rome, 1980

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