Emm Profile picture
Co-founder & CEO at https://t.co/7ElrGjg10n 🚀 | Pioneering AI for games with consistency & creative control 👾 | #GenAI #Gaming @scenario_gg

Nov 15, 2022, 11 tweets


I've made some gems too. 100% #AI-generated 🤯

Sorry, I don't have much time for a detailed thread this time... too much work atm. I just wanted to put this out there and show it's really working for SO many game assets!

#StableDiffusion #Dreambooth #Scenario #AI

This is actually a fun one, I'll try sharing the model when I get a chance.

I kept going tonight and found new prompts that are... just wow

Turned to green...



This one is for you @MoOk @tapeje :) :) :) #angrybirds

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