Good mornin' ladies & gentlemen
Boys and motherfuckin' girls
This is your captain with no name speakin'
And I'm here to rock your world
With a tale that will soon be classic
About a woman you already know
No prostitute she, but the mayor of your brain
Pussy Control
Our story begins when Megan signed to 1501 Certified Entertainment in 2018. Founded by TB Rays player Carl “The Perfect Storm” Crawford in Houston, TX.
I’m voting for Megan Thee Stallion, for Favorite Female Hip-Hop Artist at the #AMAs
Now, here comes the hurricane, bitch😉(2)
Megan and RocNation have a dispute with 1501 Certified over her recent album’s earnings, and Megan wants to move on from her contract.
Carl Crawford won’t let her go, and 1501 threatened to stop her from performing at the AMAs. (3)
This Bhaddie lawyered da fuck up and got a restraining order against 1501 Certified from a TX Judge.
I’m voting for Megan Thee Stallion, for Favorite Female Hip-Hop Artist at the #AMAs (4)…
That was a bitch 🥷🏾move coming from a mf that was charged for assaulting his girlfriend in front of their one-year-old daughter.
Sounds like a controlling person (allegedly 😉) because he certainly didn’t want his most profitable artist to leave his ass. 😈😈😈😈😈😈(5)
Did you know Megan Thee Stallion’s albums are distributed by 300 Entertainment a subsidiary of Warner Group Music.
The “Big Four” in music recording are: Warner Music Group, Universal Music Group, Sony BMG, and EMI. (6)
Now if you’re an artist or real fan you should pressure @1501certified & Carl Crawford’s bitch ass to release Megan Thee Stallion from her contract!
I’m voting for Megan Thee Stallion, for Favorite Female Hip-Hop Artist at the #AMAs (7)
And the moral of the story is…
I’m voting for Megan Thee Stallion, for Favorite Female Hip-Hop Artist at the #AMAs
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