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Nov 15, 2022, 8 tweets

The story of heating is a story about the ingenuity of people encountering challenging climatic conditions.🌦❄️

Ambience is a timeless quality, and the right fireplace will no doubt enhance your home’s tenfold.🪵

Here are 6 examples:


In a house, a fireplace can be used as a source of heat to warm up space in your home.

First launched by world-renowned French brand Focus in 1968, this unique concept hang from the ceiling or wall maximizing on space and possessing an unique sculptural quality.

The Hearth is made from a non-combustible material and typically extends out into the room and to the sides from the fireplace opening.

Contemporary gas stoves have the option of choosing your fuel- can be installed to either burn natural gas or propane.⛽️

Modern corner fireplaces can boast a streamlined temperament, with geometric, rather than classic, sensibilities, or stay true to their more traditional counterparts.

The Preway fireplace is one of the quintessential symbols of mid century borders decor, representing a treasured era of interior design history.

A Wood burning stove is a heating or cooking device that can burn wood fuel or wood derived biomass fuel, such as sawdust.


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