Steve Sayers 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿in🇬🇧=👍🏼 Profile picture
#ProUK👍🏼 #Scexit👎🏼 Deficits: GERS23 £19Bn, EU target £6Bn. 25yrs Devo £297Bn. Timewasters listed @CoffeeSnaps 4☕️ etc 📷🎵

Nov 16, 2022, 7 tweets

Our @ScotGovFM uses the economic crisis caused by Covid & Russias illegal war in Ukraine 2 ‘shame’ the UK’s economic performance & claim #Scexit would be preferable 2 Brexit & that we’d be economically better of, with no guarantee, out of our U.K. 1/5

Where’s the plan showing the level of borrowing required 2 maintain essential services like our police & our NHS? Where’s the huge cuts required 2 put our deficit into a place the EU would consider as a joining position? Where’s the admission we’d be SIGNIFICANTLY poorer? 2/5

The claim that the current blip in oil prices due 2 the war can fund a £20Bn investment fund topped up by yet more borrowing is incredulous! How much from oil? When? What will our borrowing rate % be as a NEW state with Sterlingisation as a ‘currency’ (note no EU again)? 3/5

The reality is, & she’s never properly pressed on this, our current spending choices & priorities mean we’ve spent £272bn more than we earned since devolution. That’s an £11bn ave deficit on £52.5Bn ave income, 8% of ave GDP. She needs 2 find £7Bn ave savings pa, how? 4/5

Reality is there’s no way we can leave our U.K. & expect 2 be better off for generations, if ever. No way we can join the EU with our deficit level & no currency. No way we could ‘perform’ as a divided society with anything less than 60% + support, it’s not happening #SNPOut 5/5

(Full FT article by our @ScotGovFM…).

There really are no words to describe utter stupidity. I also can’t understand why #nuppets think people who live in & love Scotland & are & ProUK do not believe in Scotland. What we don’t believe in is economic fantasy & the we are better 💩

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