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“Twitter user Moss Robeson positions himself as an independent researcher of Ukrainian fascism & Nazism … Who is behind this account is not known for certain.”

Nov 16, 2022, 7 tweets

Thread re: people who went mask off about wanting to start WW3 yesterday

For starters, NAFO, but no surprise there. #Article5 is their go-to hashtag. 1st image is supposed to be the notoriously Polish NAFO founder ("Kama") and 2nd are some of his retweets, including "Shinzofella," a Polish gore artist who started "DarkNAFO."

Anders Aslund, Swedish resident senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, but again, no surprise there. And @lilyslynch tweet reminds me of this Swedish "OG NAFO fella" who led "DarkNAFO" exodus after getting some pushback for declaring "Kama is our overlord"

Ukrainian MP Lesia Vasylenko only had 4k followers before Russia invaded. Then she became Twitter famous by cheerleading escalation to WW3. Since 2019, her father advised the "Capitulation Resistance Movement" which threatened to overthrow Zelensky if he negotiated with Russia

Before becoming the youngest 🇺🇦 MP, Sviatoslav Yurash was a foreign policy advisor & senior spokesperson for Zelensky's presidential campaign. Before that he was deputy director of the nationalist (anti-Ze) Ukrainian World Congress in Kyiv. More about him:

Zelensky, his advisor (Podolyak), Foreign Minister (Kuleba) and Defense Minister (Reznikov) unequivocally blamed Russia when they should have known better. It's easy to interpret this as their attempt to start WW3. But hard not to with Reznikov: "Gloves are off. Time to win."

At the same time, interesting to see people you think can't wait to start WW3 not jump at the opportunity to declare the time is now for Article 5

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