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👑 $KWEEN Shield-maiden 🛡️ Chaos Magician 🪄

Nov 16, 2022, 8 tweets

So you want to buy $RUNE ⚡️ without using a CEX?

Here's how I did it in 4 simple steps 👇

1/7 I used @kado_money to onramp $USDC directly to my @keplrwallet on @osmosiszone

KYC was quick & easy. Platform is intuitive & user friendly. My funds were on my Keplr wallet in less than 2 mins. $2 fee from bank account.


2/7 Next I swapped $USDC to $ATOM on Osmosis Swap.

Slight arb. opportunity in my favor resulted in more $ATOM 🎉

3/7 The next step is to click on "assets" & withdraw your $ATOM from Osmosis to Cosmos Hub.

4/7 Now you'll navigate to @THORSwap

Go to their website to connect both your $ATOM & $RUNE wallets & swap: app.thorswap.finance/wallet

5/7 Congratulations!

You just purchased $RUNE in true decentralized fashion 🤗

6/7 If you are new to @THORSwap & @THORChain or want a quick refresher (it can be a bit confusing switching between two hardware wallets), check out my How To Buy Native $RUNE with a Ledger thread here 👇

Until next time,
#THORChaddette ⚡️

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