SheLooksItUp:AbsolutelyUncommnAnalysis~DVFamCourts Profile picture
Cults&Cartels #FamilyCourtReformists #DVRN+ #WelfareReformUSA #HMRF. #AFCC #NCJFCJ #BWJP #CAFCASS #NuffieldFJO =Posts. MyVoice

Nov 16, 2022, 12 tweets

@isthisreallyfj @AngieUn27401972 @katerowswell #NuffieldFJO @RightsReform @Inspectorforyou (etc.) #FamilyCourtReformists
I speak from USA, but others seek to coordinate internationally, via specific techniques.
Cannot fully annotate screenshots, but see at

#NuffieldFJO (post from earlier this year),
Along with this (and found when I searched), I also dare you to go through with some detail another post earlier this year — to which I saw zero (no) #NFVLC_gwu response, not that lone, non-solidarity-promoting Moms like myself matter..

Another post showing (demonstrating) how I search for those financials (USA, this example) (I believe non-locals could also do this, i.e., like me, search public-access designed for U.S.Citizens, records of our various tax-exempt entities and state-level corp bus filings)..

(another FCM 2022 post connects a “Center“ I’d posted on earlier (& which chose to de-activate its website only in Aug 2022) CapitalLawSchool in ColumbusOH actively promoting various DavidMandel’s Australia programs ℅ #Ohio_IPV. CCAFV, Werner Fndtn Wealth & JEFFREY EPSTEIN

I’m having some trouble with screen size on this thread, but will come back with the short-links and/or date of publication for the second post. While it DN directly deal with #NuffieldFJO, it does reveal US DOJ (former high-ranking) OVW director (LynnRosenthal) connex to a

specific nonprofit (into which CCAFV, also w/ (Abigail not Lester) Wexner involvement, merged) acronym TCFCSH (TheCenter for Family & Child Safety & Health, or similar name), a nonprofit whose tax returns I couldn’t locate.
The nature of the USA DV networks IS “cartel.”

(May show up as a reply to #6)
Shortlink is published May 29 2022. TCFSH (’s 2020 AnnualRept ℅ my post… TCSFH says it’s #501c3 (I cn find its IRS), p13 (‘Financials’)puts Exps B4 Revs(!),omits Assets,etc

Look at the Board of Directors when you get a chance on the TCFSH annual report (as of May 2022 the latest I found was only for 2020…).. Seen below:

Here’s the board, showing Abigail S. Wexner, Lynn Rosenthal (former OVW, DV leadership USA), & a local (FranklinCounty OH) Judge. (Judge Dana Preisse).
Some of the other orgs referenced in this report, (i.e. networked nonprofits) I’ve already looked into & in part blogged.

And how nicely collaborative everyone is of course:

Details of significance here at (my May29,2022 blog post)

(may 20, 2023)

I am re-tweeting this thread from last November . As #NuffieldFJO is constantly tweeting about itself in bright colors, especially yellow. It took me a while to find anything. I actually said using the same hashtag.

Now, I see every single one of my friends……

(I can actually spell, just not fix auto correct errors on a reply that I didn’t notice before I sent it!! Any unusual usage (a normal part of language for human beings) can’t be filtered an altered. It seems by software, to make it fit different norms.

“ every one of my……

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