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Jan 10th 2023
Why would any private (or public) university’s audited financial statements (consolidated or otherwise) and schedules of federal awards, including George Washington University’s, matter? Why even read them?

Well, for one, universities tend to include law schools… Image
(From a separate link, not with the main one):…

See its T.O.C.: This lacks an opening MD&A (Managmt Discussion & Analysis) but has Letter of Transmittal, the financial statemts (not that long), and — ALWAYS read, esp “Note 1” (above)— the “Notes.” Image
As it shows, there is more than one reporting entity, and interesting facts tend to surface. Like many urban universities, GWU also has involvemt with a hospital and substantial health care operations. I understand this should be — physicians and medical care professionals.. ImageImage
Read 20 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
@isthisreallyfj @AngieUn27401972 @katerowswell #NuffieldFJO @RightsReform @Inspectorforyou (etc.) #FamilyCourtReformists
I speak from USA, but others seek to coordinate internationally, via specific techniques.
Cannot fully annotate screenshots, but see at Image
#NuffieldFJO (post from earlier this year),
Along with this (and found when I searched), I also dare you to go through with some detail another post earlier this year — to which I saw zero (no) #NFVLC_gwu response, not that lone, non-solidarity-promoting Moms like myself matter.. Image
Another post showing (demonstrating) how I search for those financials (USA, this example) (I believe non-locals could also do this, i.e., like me, search public-access designed for U.S.Citizens, records of our various tax-exempt entities and state-level corp bus filings).. ImageImage
Read 12 tweets

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