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Nov 17, 2022, 8 tweets

Today is the #CervicalCancer Elimination Day of Action!

We can end cervical cancer if:
✅ 90% of girls are vaccinated
✅ 70% of women are screened
✅ 90% of women with cervical disease receive treatment



This Day of Action, help spread the word:

Get informed.
Get screened.
Get vaccinated.

Everyone can contribute.
Every community matters.
Every country can eliminate #CervicalCancer.



1 woman dies every 2 minutes from #CervicalCancer yet it is preventable, detectable, and treatable.



More than 95% of #CervicalCancer is due to the human papillomavirus (HPV). And yet, only around 1 in 10 girls globally are fully vaccinated against the virus. Increasing vaccine access could save thousands of lives.



The @LacksFamily, WHO’s latest Goodwill Ambassadors, are helping raise awareness on #CervicalCancer.

Taken without her consent, Henrietta Lacks’ cells have contributed to countless medical breakthroughs, including the development of the HPV vaccine, and #COVID19 research.

#CervicalCancer is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer if caught early.

Regular screening is crucial to detect changes in the cervix that could, if untreated, develop into cancer.


Every year, more than 300,000 women die from #CervicalCancer, with 9 in 10 of these deaths in the poorest countries.

We can end this with better access to vaccination, screening and treatment..



We can create a #CervicalCancer free future!

By 2040, 70 million cases & 62 million deaths can be averted if we increase screening, vaccination & treatment. Cervical cancer deaths will rise by nearly 50% if we don't act.



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