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Nov 17, 2022, 45 tweets

🔴 Jeremy Hunt is set to deliver his eagerly-anticipated Autumn Statement this morning as he unveils his strategy for stabilising the public finances.

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❓What will be in the Autumn Statement?

We already have an idea of what will be in the Chancellor's statement today.

These are some of the moves expected to be announced by Jeremy Hunt 👇…

David Davis, the former Brexit secretary, has said the Autumn Statement will be "gloomy" and he does not expect there to be any rabbits pulled out of the hat by Jeremy Hunt.

Read more:…

🔴 Jeremy Hunt is expected to retain a Tory pledge to stick to the triple lock on state pensions today.

That means pensioners should be in line for a 10.1% increase in the value of their payments next year…

What Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt really hope to achieve with this grim Autumn Statement...

Read @christopherhope's analysis in full ⬇️…

🗣️ Rishi Sunak is now delivering a statement in the House of Commons on his trip to the G20 summit in Bali.

At the same time, Jeremy Hunt has just left No 11 Downing Street as he heads to Parliament to deliver the Autumn Statement.

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Mr Sunak said that "most" of the G20 had strongly condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

The PM set out his meetings with Joe Biden and Narendra Modi and said that in his meetings with leaders had been a "shared determination to... drive a better future"…

Sir Keir Starmer said that he and Rishi Sunak have many differences of opinion but "when it comes to the defence of Ukraine we stand as one".

Sir Keir said that "Russia is losing this war" and efforts should now focus on trying to "further isolate Putin"…

🔴 Jeremy Hunt is about to deliver his #AutumnStatement in the House of Commons.

Get live updates here ⬇️…

Watch Jeremy Hunt set out his fiscal plan to balance the budget live here 👇

🗣️ Jeremy Hunt is now on his feet in the House of Commons.

The Chancellor opened by saying: "We deliver a plan to tackle the cost-of-living crisis and rebuild our economy. Our priorities are stability, growth, and public services"…

👉 The Chancellor said he has three priorities: "stability, growth and public services".

On stability, he said that "the Office for Budget Responsibility confirms global factors are the primary cause of current inflation"…

📢 Jeremy Hunt announced that he is not going to change the remit of the Bank of England.

He told MPs: "So the Bank of England, which has done an outstanding job since its independence, now has my wholehearted support in its mission to defeat inflation"…

🗣️ Jeremy Hunt said that the Office for Budget Responsibility has said that the UK is now in recession.

"The OBR forecast the UK’s inflation rate to be 9.1 per cent this year and 7.4 per cent next year"

The Chancellor said: "[The OBR] confirm that our actions today help inflation to fall sharply from the middle of next year."

"Overall this year, the economy is still forecast to grow by 4.2 per cent."…

Jeremy Hunt said that the Autumn Statement will lead to a consolidation of £55 billion.

"The OBR confirm that because of our plans, the recession is shallower, and inflation is reduced. Unemployment is also lower with about 70,000 jobs protected"…

➡️ Turning to tax matters, the Chancellor announced he was lowering the threshold at which people start to pay the top rate of income tax.

Jeremy Hunt also said he has decided to freeze a range of tax allowances to raise more cash for the Treasury…

Chancellor: "I have decided that from January 1st until March 2028 we will increase the Energy Profits Levy from 25 per cent to 35 per cent."

Mr Hunt also said that "from January 1st, we have also decided to introduce a new, temporary 45% levy on electricity generators"

The combined effect of these measures will bring in £14 billion, the Chancellor said.

Follow the #AutumnStatement announcement live here 👇…

📈 Public spending to rise by just one per cent a year.

Jeremy Hunt said "we are going to grow public spending – but we’re going to grow it slower than the economy"…

🔴 Jeremy Hunt has announced he is reducing the threshold at which people start paying the top rate of income tax as he unveiled his Autumn Statement to stabilise the public finances…

Jeremy Hunt said that the UK cannot yet return to the commitment to spend 0.7 per cent of GDP on international aid.

The Chancellor has also delayed the introduction of the social care costs cap - a flagship policy of Boris Johnson…

🔵 Jeremy Hunt has announced an increase in the NHS budget.

The Chancellor said: "I will increase the NHS budget, in each of the next two years, by an extra £3.3bn"

Read more on our liveblog 👇…

🎒 The Chancellor has also pledged an extra £2.3 billion for the nation's schools.

He told the Commons: "I can announce today that next year and the year after, we will invest an extra £2.3bn per year in our schools."…

Jeremy Hunt has confirmed the Government will proceed with plans for the new Sizewell C nuclear plant.

He told MPs: "It will create 10,000 highly skilled jobs and provide reliable, low-carbon, power to the equivalent of 6 million homes for over 50 years"…

⚡️ Jeremy Hunt has announced fresh funding to improve the nation's energy efficiency.

He also set a new target of reducing energy consumption from buildings and industry by 15 per cent by 2030…

🧪 Jeremy Hunt said he is protecting the UK's "entire" research and development budget.

He said: "We will increase public funding for R&D to £20bn by 2024-5 as part of our mission to make the United Kingdom a science superpower"


💡 Jeremy Hunt said that the Government "will stick with the plan to spend £55bn to help households and businesses with their energy bills" this winter.

He said: "From April, we will continue the Energy Price Guarantee for a further 12 months at a higher level of £3000 per year"

💰 The Chancellor also announced that he is capping the maximum increase in social rents for next year.

He told the House of Commons: "This government will cap the increase in social rents at a maximum of 7% in 2023-24"…

💷 The national living wage will increase by 9.7 per cent next year, the Chancellor has announced.

"From April 2023, the hourly rate will be £10.42 which represents an annual pay rise worth over £1600 to a full time worker"…

📈 Jeremy Hunt said the Government has decided to raise benefits in line with inflation next year at a cost of £11 billion.

Read more here ⤵️…

🔒 Jeremy Hunt announced the Government will retain its commitment to the state pension triple lock..

Concluding the #AutumnStatement, he said: "It is a balanced plan for stability, a plan for growth and a plan for public services"…

Need a summary of today's #AutumnStatement?

Here are the key points and changes ⬇️…

🗣️Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said that the Tories' #AutumnStatement offers the nation "more of the same"

"What people will be asking themselves at the next general election is this: Am I and my family better off with the Tories? And the answer is no"…

🟠 Sarah Olney, the Liberal Democrats' Treasury spokeswoman, labelled Autumn Statement the "cost of chaos budget".

She said: "This is the cost of chaos budget. Everyone is being forced to pay the price for this Conservative government’s incompetence"…

❓ Who are the winners and losers of the Autumn Statement 2022?

@MoneyTelegraph has the answer ⤵️

🗣️ Rachel Reeves, Labour's shadow chancellor, claimed Jeremy Hunt had picked the pockets of the entire country in his Autumn Statement.

Read more reaction on our liveblog ⬇️…

🔴 The Autumn Statement will see around 55 per cent of households worse off, according to a Treasury analysis.

Find out how much the #AutumnStatement will cost you👇…

🔴 Households face paying an extra £500 for their energy next year after the Government cut the level of taxpayer support


🗣️ 'We know that the Government is short of cash, but Mr Hunt has sent out a worrying message to those working hard to earn more for themselves and their families' | Writes Ben Wilkinson

Read more ⤵️…

🗣 'The fiscal drag phenomenon will mean we all pay more as inflation pushes us into higher tax brackets. It blunts pay rises and stunts aspiration' | Writes Ben Wilkinson

For more Autumn Statement analysis ⤵️…

🔴House prices will fall by 9pc as high mortgage rates hammer buyers and trigger a two-year housing downturn, the Government’s fiscal watchdog has warned

Use our stamp duty calculator to find out what the Autumn Statement means for you ⤵️…

🔴 Jeremy Hunt's broad pension and welfare rises are "the right thing to do", a Government minister insisted this afternoon

Follow our politics liveblog here ⤵️…

🔴 Jeremy Hunt has overruled the Bank of England to push through key post-Brexit insurance reforms intended to unleash an investment “big bang”

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🔴 The Government is tackling Britain's current economic problems "head-on", Jeremy Hunt said on Thursday evening as he defended £25billion of tax rises

Read more ⤵️…

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