Artists for Palestine UK 🍉 Profile picture
Artists standing together for Palestinian liberation. Culture as resistance. Focus on the role of culture in Israel's war against the Palestinians.

Nov 17, 2022, 9 tweets

Leading names of British theatre and film have criticised the cancellation of a prestigious lifetime award to the playwright Caryl Churchill because of her support for Palestinian rights, saying the move is “nothing less than modern-day McCarthyism”.…

The artists accusing institutions in Germany of “deep-seated anti-Palestinian racism” include actors Miranda Richardson, Miriam Margolyes, KhalidAbdallah, Juliet Stevenson, Maureen Beattie, playwrights Abbie Spallen, Hannah Khallil, Nicholas Wright…

Director Mike Leigh on modern-day McCarthyism of the @SchauspielS, 'systems of silencing and intimidation' when it comes to Palestine, attempts to de platform one of the greatest playwright of our times, Caryl Churchill

Actor Harriet Walter (Killing Eve, Succession) on the shameful nature of what is taking place - attempts to silence artists in order to shield a political regime which @amnesty and others describe as a apartheid and cruel system of domination.

Cultural institutions violating the right to freedom of expression?

Geoffrey Bindman on how institutions in Germany, like @SchauspielS are violating fundamental rights in their collusion with attempts to repress criticism of Israeli state violence.

From the letter signed by 170+ artists and others - and the state of racism and cultural unfreedom in Germany today
#McCarthyism #Racism

In their letter, the artists ask, what and who is art for...

And the letter ends...

'In recent days, Caryl Churchill has said: “I stand by my support for BDS and Palestinians.”

We, too, stand by the Palestinian people. And we are proud to stand by Caryl Churchill and against McCarthyism.”'

#WeWillNotBeSilenced ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾

"As Jews living in Germany, we are outraged by this systematic use of antisemitism accusations to silence artists and intellectuals who stand for human rights for all. "
Much❤️ to all Left Jews and all Palestinians in Germany.
Read @JNahost's statement on Caryl Churchill 👇🏾

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