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Nov 17, 2022, 13 tweets

differences between TCB Scans & OPScans, a thread:
#OP1067 #onepiecespoilers #ONEPIECE1067 #onepiece

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Cover Story vs No Cover Story. (+ Quality)

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Clarity vs Confusion //
Correct vs Mistranslation

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Correct vs mistranslation //
Full context vs missing context

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Clarity vs Confusion and missing context //
Clarity vs ?

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Redrawn & Typesetted vs Ignored //
Clarity vs Confusion &
Chopper dialogue Correct vs Wrong

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Correct vs mistranslation (completely missing the point) //
Correct vs Wrong - messed up the bubble order on the whole page. Dialogue is in the incorrect boxes.

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Clarity vs Confusion (also page quality. Comparing grey pattern on Vegapunk. But Page quality issues are present on every page of the OPScans version.) //
Art Quality comparison

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Correct vs mistranslation //
Clarity vs Confusion

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Well-written vs Basic grammar issues (a handful amount present in the OPScans version) //
Correct vs confusing mistranslation

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Correct vs Big mistranslation //
Correct vs mistranslation

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Correct vs huge mistranslation //
Right v wrong

TCB Scans vs OPScans
Full context & translation vs missing important dialogue & context //
Editor Note vs missing editor note (same in the beginning of the Chapter)

End. Beyond that, general script issues, often unclear grammar and syntax, no redrawing of japanese text, no consideration for bubble sizes or interconnectedness of bubbles. A lot of art isssues. Some things should be grey, but in OPScans version it's white. Etc. Etc.

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