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Nov 17, 2022, 13 tweets

🔴 Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has now delivered the Autumn Statement — and with it revealed his plan to plug a £55bn hole in the public finances

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🔴 Mr Hunt is filling just under half of this black hole with a package of tax hikes worth around £25bn.

'We want low taxes and sound money, but sound money has to come first,' he told MPs…

🔴 The rest of the hole – about £30bn – will come from spending cuts.

Yet Mr Hunt was keen to stress he would be protecting key parts of public services, telling MPs: 'To be British is to be compassionate'…

🔴 The spending cuts include:
💷 Personal taxation = £5bn
💷 Windfall tax = £10bn
💷 Business taxes = £10bn
💷 Whitehall efficiencies = £22bn
💷 Other savings = £8bn…

🔴 But could you suggest a better solution?

Explore policy options below to try to reduce the deficit for yourself with The Telegraph's #AutumnStatement tool 👇…

🔴 But who are the winners and losers of the Autumn Statement?

Find out here 👇…

🔵 Winners

House buyers
The stamp duty cuts announced in the mini-Budget will last until March 31 2025…

🔵 Winners [continued]

Mr Hunt confirmed that the state pension triple lock would remain in place and state pension payments will rise by 10.1pc next April, based on September's inflation figure…

🔵 Winners [continued]

Energy bill payers
The Chancellor announced how the energy support package would work after the current scheme ends in April. Average bills will be capped for 12 months at £3,000…

🔴 Losers

High earners
Mr Hunt confirmed that the threshold for paying the 45p top rate of income tax would be lowered from £150,000 to £125,140…

🔴 Losers [continued]

The freeze on income tax and National Insurance thresholds – currently frozen until 2025-26 – has been extended by two years until April 2028…

🔴 Losers [continued]

The tax-free dividend allowance will be reduced to £1,000 in 2023-24 and then to £500 in 2024-25…

🔴 Don't miss the key moments from the Autumn Statement and what it means for you ⤵️…

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