Paul Maidowski Profile picture
Language-systems-climate policy-bamboo. Fletcher/Fulbright. d|e|f|i|中 Go/围棋

Nov 18, 2022, 9 tweets

(1) Use the same handle to ease the transition to mastodon for people ( (2) Couple of screenshots here and in next tweet to easy any anxiety about change. Thanks to @W_Lucht for making this point.

(3) You now have not one (1) but two (2) fantastic social networks to learn from smart people, ask powerful people sharp questions in public, laugh at billionaires, do oppo research, and not get any work done despite staring at a screen. It's going great.

(4) Check out @RealTadzioM's newsletter and hashtag #Klimaum9 for smart climate content of the inconvenient art. Allons-nous @AufstandLastGen

@RealTadzioM @AufstandLastGen @GeorgeTakei for the win. I guess this link won't work,

nor this one @AufstandLastGen @

You may need to copy & paste into your browser / mastodon.

@RealTadzioM @AufstandLastGen @GeorgeTakei (5) link into profile/name. (6) I still see COVID as among our most time-critical, high-order governance problems. COVID twitter was invaluable. @fitterhappierAJ is…, the rest will sort itself out. If someone has a list please share.

@RealTadzioM @AufstandLastGen @GeorgeTakei @fitterhappierAJ (6) Fantastic. Here's how to migrate all your twitter contacts to Mastodon at once: Danke @BlauerTee

@RealTadzioM @AufstandLastGen @GeorgeTakei @fitterhappierAJ @BlauerTee How to migrate your twitter followers/following:
0. Set up mastodon
1. Put your handle into your twitter bio
2. Authorize twitter here
3. Download the .csv file
4. Upload it here
Well Done. Elon's now under more pressure to perform.

A Mastodon instance set up by Twitter engineers is fun - but don’t see them as comparable yet. One example: without a Retweet (Reboost) option, M won’t develop the same dynamics as T. It’s the decontextualization (like here) that creates T’s unique density of information. @umairh

Case in Point, by one of the masters of the game, 🙏

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