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Media platform covering global conflict zones. Focus on the Russian-Ukrainian war. If you'd like to support our voluntary work:

Nov 18, 2022, 22 tweets

SitRep - 18/11 - Muddy waters

An overview of the daily events in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Today a general overview, without too detailed frontline information. We do look briefly at Bakhmut and Kreminna/Kupyansk.


As usual we start with Russian losses, reported by the Ukrainian General Staff. Also we show damaged or captured equipment.

+350 men personnel
+1 tank
+4 APCs

A Russian supply vehicle presumably hit by HIMARS

A captured 2S7 Pion

In the east, a full column of Russian forces is wiped out. Early reports point towards recently liberated Makiivka area.

A destroyed Msta-S self propelled howtizer in the Kherson region.

Also a Kamaz and Msta-B artillery piece were captured.

The 92th captured a T72B3

Over to the general events. In case you missed it, prior to a Twitter downfall (which is unlikely but you never know) i created a Mastodon account. Make sure to follow me there also.

Update on my fundraiser for the 27th: Including other payment methods included we are over $9000 which means less then $1000 left to go!

Can we make it together? 10K would be awesome and allows the 27th to buy 2 cars for operations.

Check this post:

One X-55 missile that was shot down over Kyiv yesterday had a block that acted as a nuclear warhead imitator, Defense Express reports. For this strike, Russia took a X-55 from their "nuclear arsenal", "unscrewed" a nuclear warhead and instead put an empty "blank" in its place.

🇸🇰➡️🇺🇦 Slovakia handed Ukraine another self-propelled howitzer Zuzana 2. This was announced by the Minister of Defense of Slovakia, Jaroslav Nagy. It's already the seventh howitzer Zuzana 2 Howitzer from Slovakia.

The fall of the rocket of the Ukrainian air defense forces in Poland was an "accident". This was stated by the President of Poland Duda. Zelenskyi still has a readon on this subject that it wasn't Ukraine but Russia's missile that hit Poland.

The United States ordered a modification of the UKR / TPQ-50 anti-mortar radars for Ukraine for $12 million.

Hawk anti-aircraft systems will soon be on combat duty - Yuriy Ignat, the speaker of the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A very rare TAB-71M armored personnel carrier was spotted in Ukraine..

More attention for heroes without capes!

The World Health Organization in Ukraine delivered six generators to Kherson, which will ensure the operation of hospitals in emergency conditions. As well as surgical kits and vital medical drugs.

The frontlines, #Kreminna

➡️Serebryanskyy forest south of #Kreminna is almost completely under control of the AFU. Furthermore AFU presses forward.
➡️General Staff 🇺🇦 confirms that Russia shelled #Ploshchanka area. Making AFU presence likely.
➡️Chervona Dibrova unknown


➡️No confirmed map changes
➡️We got some credible information that #Popivka, just southwest of Svatove is nearly liberated by the AFU. The signals are good, but bear in mind that still a lot needs to be done to clear a town so close to the frontline...


➡️No map changes
➡️Russia increased it attacks south of Bakhmut and is heavilly bombarding Opytne area. AFU returns fire in a proper way that stalls the enemy or leaves them only to retreat.
➡️Fighting mainly in Bakhmut,Soledar,Bilohorivka, Opytne,Ivanhrad and Mayorsk

That's all today. If you like my reporting and mapping you can support me via

Once again i want to thank you all. Without you following me and pushing me day in day out to serve good content, there wouldn't be any NOEL.

Cheers and stay safe,
NOËL 🔥🇺🇦

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