Khairil Yusof Profile picture
Open Data, Open Government, Open Parliament, Anti-Corruption @sinarproject

Nov 19, 2022, 9 tweets

If the #GE15 election didn't go exactly your way, don't be too down. Voting in elections is just one part of a healthy democracy. You can affect ongoing change in many other ways. Support and engage with civil society, independent media and various government agencies.

There was a time in Malaysia, that political opponents could be rounded up and jailed without trial for 60 days, activists locked up in solitary confinement on false trumped up charges. But they still kept working towards change until these draconian laws were repealed.

Thousands of ordinary Malaysians braved arrests and tear gas, lawyers took up legal cases, for the right that we have now to peacefully protest. You have right to this now, and peaceful political protests is part of a healthy democracy also.

That boost of positive energy that you felt, when you felt like you matter, that the things you did to vote or enable others to vote could make a difference? Well it's still there, just need to channel it into another set actions to try make a difference again. 💪

Care about the environment and climate change? Follow and learn about the work of @macarangatweets @KlimaAction @rimbadisclosure or similar efforts in your local communities and see how you can get involved in community and media action.

@macarangatweets @KlimaAction @rimbadisclosure Care about better public transport and better cities? Can start or join movements to highlight the poor urban planning and pedestrian/public transport infrastructure to make cities more livable. Another critical area long neglected and ignored by Malaysian politicians.

As more work of civil society and media starts depending on digital and tech infrastructure, civic tech is another key area that needs a lot of work, to build the tools, databases and services to support the work of others. Follow and be a part of @sinarproject efforts.

We still have rule of law. What's the closest to an ACLU like organisation we have in Malaysia? Learn about work of @PusatRakyatLB and their upcoming youth workshops on how to start a movement, also about their strategic litigation work for human rights

Injustice affects the poor and marginalized disproportionately. Unlawful arrests and detention, right to trial, deaths in custody, freedom of expression? Learn about the work of @SUARAMtweets and how to get involved

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