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Nov 20, 2022, 5 tweets

#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

FTX Wallet Drainer 1 has transferred 5k ETH to a new wallet 👀


0x866Ee has received another 10k ETH from FTX Wallet Drainer 1

They have also begun swapping ETH for renBTC.

0x866E has now swapped 8k ETH for ~575 renBTC (~$9.6m)

The majority of the 15k ETH that was sent to 0x866E by FTX Wallet Drainer 1 has been swapped for renBTC.

0x866E currently holds👇

~9.9 ETH (~$11k)

~1,070.2 renBTC ($17.7m

0x866E has bridged the 1,070 renBTC via Ren: BTC Gateway.

FTX Wallet Drainer 1 has transferred a further 10k ETH to 0x866E

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