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Mar 22nd 2023
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

Today the @SECGov charged Justin Sun & 3 of his companies for the unregistered offer and sale of crypto assets.

Additionally, 8 celebrities were charged for allegedly promoting crypto without disclosing the fact that they were being paid to do so.

See 👇
@SECGov 1/ Celebrities including Lindsay Lohan, Jake Paul and a group of rappers and R&B stars such as Soulja Boy, Akon and Lil Yachty are being charged for shilling Tronix (TRX) and BitTorrent (BTT) without disclosing the fact that they were being compensated for it.
@SECGov 2/ Six of the eight celebrities facing charges agreed to pay a total of more than $400,000 to settle those charges, with the exception of Cortez Way and singer Austin Mahone.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

Scammers will always try to take advantage of hype.

We have seen multiple phishing attempts mimicking the Arbitrum airdrop.

Here are some of the signs to look out for so you don’t lose your assets 🧵👇
1/ Scammers will often use Twitter bots to tag users in tweets pointing them to a fake Twitter profile displaying a drainer.

Many wallet drainers have a similar layout 👇

We have recorded 6 of these drainers in March alone, although it’s likely that there are more. Image
2/ These drainers will trick users into approving malicious transactions

learn more about the dangers of approving malicious transactions below…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

What we know so far regarding the @fRiENDSiES_Ai exit scam:

On 20 Feb, fRiENDSiES Ai posted on their twitter that they were pausing the project due to market volatility.

Let’s see what went down 🧵 👇 Image
@fRiENDSiES_Ai 1/ In March 2022, the fRiENDSiES #NFT project conducted a Dutch-style auction which raised ~1,530.78 $ETH.
@fRiENDSiES_Ai 2/ According to the roadmap, which has been deleted, the team promised 1.25% of the royalties to be given back to token holders. However, investors have not received anything.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

1\ In preparation for the @Hope_fin #exit scam, a fake router was deployed in txn 0xf188.

The SwapHelper was then updated to use this fake router in txn 0xc9ee. This txn was approved by all 3 owners of Hope’s multisig 0x8ebd. Image
@Hope_fin 2\ In txn 0x1b47, ` _swapExactTokenForTokens` variable was set to wallet address, 0x957D.
When `GenesisRewardPool.openTrade()` is called to borrow USDC, GenesisRewardPool transfers WETH to TradingHelper to convert to USDC.
Instead of swapping, USDC was sent to 0x957D. Image
@Hope_fin 3\ As the `_uSDC` address was deliberately left empty, the receiving address (0x957D) was passed to v2 and the `swapExactTokensForTokens()` transferred 477 WETH to 0x957D. Image
Read 3 tweets
Dec 20th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

1/ Ice phishing is a considerable threat to the Web3 community

Instead of gaining accessing to your private key, scammers trick you into signing permissions to spend your assets.

We’ll outline below what to look out for, and how to protect yourself!
2/ The scam begins when a victim is tricked into approving the ice phishing address.

The scammers address will be presented to you when you are interacting with a malicious URL or Dapp

Below is an example of this type of transaction 👇
3/ The next phase comes when the ice phisher initiates a TransferFrom transaction

In the example below we can see the ice phisher (0x4632) initiates the transaction, which sends USDT to a recipient that is controlled by the scammer.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

We are seeing multiple community reports that @BurstRoyale_NFT is a scam project that drains NFT wallets after downloading the game. Several individuals have reported that they fell victim to this phishing site over the past month.

Please stay safe!
@BurstRoyale_NFT 1/ Burst Royale appears to have a consistent modus operandi where a “team member” contacts their targets on Twitter offering them a job for the project and asking them to download their game, which is a proxy malware that drains wallets.
@BurstRoyale_NFT 2/ The malware is reportedly called RedLine Stealer which connects to a server to exfiltrate data. It can be found on underground forums for sale for ~$150.
Read 8 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

1/ We are seeing a fake @Coinbase email scam. Here’s how it works 👇👀

The scammer targets individuals who are selling items online and promise to pay a large sum of BTC through Coinbase.
@coinbase 2/ They’ll then ask for the email address associated with the victim's Coinbase account.

Coinbase allows users to send crypto to an email address.

They then pretend to send you BTC and provide a fake screenshot of the confirmation.
@coinbase 3/ The scammer will then send an email pretending to be from Coinbase that will ask you to purchase BTC and send it to your 'activation address' in the email subject line. This is in order to ‘activate the encrypted fund’.

The activation address is the scammers BTC wallet
Read 4 tweets
Nov 21st 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

1/ Let's break down the recent FTX Wallet Drainer activity.

The BSC wallet holds ~$1.6m DAI after converting ~44,232 BNB to ~$4m USDC, ~$3.5m USDT and $3.4m Binance Peg ETH.

The assets were then bridged over to ETH and sent back to FTX Accounts Drainer. Image
2/ Once the FTX Wallet Drainer amassed ~250k ETH, they began bridging funds to the Bitcoin Blockchain

On 20 Nov, 50k ETH was transferred to 0x866E which swapped ETH for renBTC.

Those assets were then bridged to the following addresses

3/ BTC Bc1qv…gpedg began a peel chain.

This is a money laundering technique whereby BTC is sent through a series of transactions in which smaller amounts of BTC are transferred to a new address. Image
Read 6 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

FTX Wallet Drainer 1 has transferred 5k ETH to a new wallet 👀…
0x866Ee has received another 10k ETH from FTX Wallet Drainer 1

They have also begun swapping ETH for renBTC.
0x866E has now swapped 8k ETH for ~575 renBTC (~$9.6m)
Read 5 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

The FTX Wallet Drainer 1 (0x59AB) has begun swapping BNB to ETH, BSC-USD, and USDC.

So far:

~14,558 WBNB swapped for 3,000 ETH across 2 txns

~13,663 WBNB swapped for 3.5M BSC-USD

~15,875 WBNB swapped for 4M USDC across 2 txns

Stay vigilant! ImageImageImageImage
The address still holds ~190.5 BNB.

Fifth transaction 👇 Image
Assets were sent to a new address: 0x2Cfe6a1ABC4F72065d3A640a5A006471794b2EcC

Which has begun bridging assets to their Ethereum wallet. Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 18th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

In a matter of days, FTX, a company valued at $32B at the beginning of this year, went from a leading cryptocurrency exchange to bankruptcy.

2/ In the aftermath of FTX filing for bankruptcy we have seen the devastating impact the situation is having on a number of companies who had dealings with FTX.
3/ Some of the major companies hit by FTX’s collapse are:

Genesis Trading
Galaxy Digital
Galois Capital
Amber Group
Pantera Capital
Read 4 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
#CertiKSkynetAlert 🚨

On October 11, 2022 at 11:19 PM UTC, Mango Market was attacked for a total loss of roughly ~$116M.

The attacker was able to manipulate the price of the MNGO token and exploitatively borrowed more assets than what they were supposed to be able to.

1/ The attacker funded Account A with 4,999,998.95 USDC. Account A then sold 488,302,109 MNGO worth of perpetual swaps on Mango Markets, worth $18,653,140.

Account B bought 482,745,055 of the MNGO swaps.
2/ The attacker then began manipulating the price of MNGO on the spot MNGO/USDC market.

From a stable low of ~$0.038 prior to the attack, they pushed it up to a peak of $0.91.
Read 8 tweets

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