Aaron Smith Profile picture
Tech for work, swimming for sanity, and doing my bit to fight for integrity in our politics. Also aaronsmith333 at the other place.

Nov 20, 2022, 13 tweets

This thread is about connections, and shows how religious infiltration in the Victorian Liberals is pervasive.

It also reveals examples of positions that motivate the infiltration.

Let's start with Cynthia Watson, Liberal Candidate for Ringwood, and see where we end up.


In 2018, Cynthia was elected a Liberal Party Delegate, with husband Elliot. Both are Mormons.

They’re linked to Marcus Bastiaan’s ultra-conservative religious recruitment drive.

Maryke Rancie, anti-safe schools campaigner and Ivan Stratov, both Mormons were also elected.


Many elected as delegates in 2018 actively campaigned against marriage equality in 2017.

Maryke Rancie campaigned along side Heidi McIvor, Pastor at City Builders church, the subject of tonight's 60 Minutes religious infiltration report.

McIvor is 3rd in this tv ad.


Ivan Stratov, a doctor said 'I studied a disease called HIV; 35M people died from that disease because they decided they were going to make man’s love, not God’s love'.

Despite quitting the faction, he's back influencing the Liberals in Mornington.


I don't know how active Cynthia was campaigning against Marriage Equality, but I do note this Facebook contribution, right on message, in line with Lyle Shelton's fear campaign, and obviously shares a similar message to McIvor's tv ad above.


Cynthia, despite standing in Ringwood, is a councillor in Boroondarra.

At a recent council meeting, Cynthia wouldn't support the motion below for Wear it Purple day.

Wear it Purple aims to foster, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for LGBTIQ+ people.


Multiple reports have indicated that Cynthia Watson's Liberal volunteers are handing out the brochure below.

The brochure is authorised by Gender Awareness Australia, a transphobic group run by Kirralie Smith.

Cynthia should speak to this. On to Kirralie....


A prolific campaigner against marriage equality, Kirralie was also a candidate for Bernardi's Australian Conservatives, and Australian Liberty Alliance, the political offshoot of the Q Society, which describes itself as Australia's leading Islam-critical movement.


In an incredible coincidence, Kirralie Smith wrote in support of the pre-selection of Moira Deeming.

This appeared on Kirralie's website, but over the past week, this page has been mysteriously removed.

Moira was also endorsed by Katherine Deves and the ACL.


Cynthia's husband Elliot isn't a stranger to controversy either.

Elliot was asked to explain his association with Neil Erikson, far-right extremist and self-proclaimed neo-Nazi, on a trip to Queensland that was part of a recruitment drive for the LNP.


Although, when you consider that Cynthia as part of the current election campaign, published a photo of herself and a man wearing a t-shirt showing Dan Andrews in prison, Cythia's husband's dalliance with far right extremists might be a normal day at the office.


Mormons recruited via branch stacking activities, meetings with far right extremists, failing to support positive motions for the LGBTIQ community, accepting endorsements from transphobes.

It's all in the public domain. None of it is new or news.


Again, for posterity, here is the original thread outlining a strategy for religious infiltration in the Victorian Liberals.

The question that remains is, why are Liberals who should know better staying silent? They need to end this.


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