Billy Bostickson 🏴👁&👁 🆓 Profile picture
Billy is Your Friend! Donate ETH: 0xc7b39dab89fc75e4e1307ccf180e528da5162556 DM for Paypal

Nov 20, 2022, 8 tweets

2. There's a lot of hints in those handles...

I need to take a break, today is Sunday.

3. There have been some recent attempts to downplay the allegations connecting SBF to Biden and Ukraine, see here for example:

What Is Behind Claim Joe Biden 'Laundered' Billions in Ukraine Aid via FTX?…

4. Classic Straw Man Fallacy

"underlying implication among the claimants—that Dems were sole beneficiary of donations stemming from FTX wealth—is provably false"

The claim was not that SBF ONLY funded Dems, but rather that Dems received MOST of the $$$…

5. Further straw man fallacies used by @Newsweek :

A, Did FTX send Ukrainian crypto donations to US?

B. Was U.S. AID misappropriated?

Instead of examining claims they raise specific questions which they then proceed to deny!

The issue of money laundering & fraud is complex.

6. Let's look at the facts regarding crypto donations

Ukraine Crypto Donations Statistics

Last updated: 2022-03-28

Total Donated to Ukraine Government: $ 104 Million

Likely, up to $150 Million + by November 2022…

7. Total crypto donations to Ukraine broken down…

8. Break Time BRB

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