Jeff Knox Profile picture
UFO historian/archivist , 30+yrs (10yr FT) studying the phenomena. Interest: Geology, Arch/Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology

Nov 21, 2022, 6 tweets

#ufotwitter #ufohistory #UFOsandNukes
Today In UFO History - Seven Witnesses Observe Maneuvering Objects Near Oak Ridge Plant
November 20, 1955 - Lake City, Tenn.
1/5:20 p.m. Operations Officer Capt. Edward G. Denkler Jr. and 5 men of the USAF 663rd AC&W Squadron see two oblong,

2/bright orange, semi-transparent objects fly erratically at terrific speed toward and away from each other, over Lake City [now Rocky Top], Tennessee. [Eberhart]

This sighting was actually seen by 11 witnesses including a civilian but the locations were all over the map. The

3/AISS commander determined it was likely Venus, but BB apparently disagreed and labelled it Unknown. Researcher Brad Sparks believes the case was poorly investigated and fits with Venus or atmospheric distortion of stars and planets low on the horizon.

4/This is but one of many sighting cases near Oak Ridge, TN. See previous post of mine for more on the Oak Ridge flap.

Brad Sparks, BB Unknowns, pg.232, Case 3862;

Tim Printy's SUNlite still list this case as unidentified despite Sparks thinking it is likely Venus. An odd turn of events, as its usually Printy explaining old BB case and Sparks disagreeing.…

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