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Nov 21, 2022, 26 tweets

Are characters evolving or stagnated in #YalıÇapkını?
Is #SeyFer a worthy couple?
Has Ferit regressed as a character? Does he deserve Seyran?
Is this story even about a love story one can root for?
These are the questions I'm exploring this week after Ep9 🧵/1

With each new ep, it's easy to forget the full context of the scene we start with. Ferit was wrong in making Seyran feel that was the only way she could save Suna. This scene shows his raw wounds from being repeatedly spurned by her #YalıÇapkını /2

He's upset that she thinks so lowly of him. He's obviously failed to build any kind of trust with her where she'd know that regardless of their private issues, kiss debacle etc. he'd help Suna anyway. #YalıÇapkını /3

But, S is also right. While he plays around w/ P, she shud protect herself from his advances. Why does he deserve her? Apart from family money/name/traditions, what has he done to earn her loyalty? At every given opportunity, he's broken her trust by running to P. #YalıÇapkını /4

If she could, she wouldn't be beholden to Ferit but she can only rely on him to save Suna. This is tragic that a father's oppression is so severe a girl looks for security anywhere but in her own home. She accepts untold humiliation to protect Suna #YalıÇapkını /5

This includes her willingness to sleep with Ferit as a result of his ill-conceived & hollow threat as well as being willing to take refuge in Pelin’s home. Ferit isn’t blind to this devotion between the sisters, and says as much to Pelin. #YalıÇapkını /6

I wondered why Ferit had to come up with such a complicated plan for saving Suna. Why not just have some goons beat up Kazim? The answer lies in the heart to heart he has with Suna. He wants for her to have the freedom to define her path. #YalıÇapkını /7

He wants to honor his assumed responsibility of protecting Suna, Seyran & their mom. Suna’s kiss was forgotten by Ferit the second it happened. Seyran didn’t see his graciousness in putting Suna at ease nor did she comprehend why Suna sought his help #YalıÇapkını /8

The solidarity these three are developing as a front against the world couldn’t have happened without Ferit’s affability or willingness to protect the girls from the brutal injustice of Kazim. Ferit’s methods of achieving this is unconventional #YalıÇapkını /9

He picks Pelin’s as the safehouse for Suna. Hateful idea but underlying it is to keep Suna in a trusted place with someone who’s familiar w/ all the players. While there, he appeases Pelo by being playful w/ her. He needs her willing participation. #YalıÇapkını /10

P surprises us with her liberated “women’s solidarity” stance, but amuses us w/ her continued pettiness. Sending S into their bedroom, keeping signs of her life with F fully visible, ordering sushi so that the uncouth village girls can’t deal w/ chopsticks. #YalıÇapkını /11

During their dinner, it becomes obvious that P has shared a lot of youthful escapades with F over the years. They both enjoy movies and have childlike amusement with F’s outlandish plan to transport Suna into the house, like in #Yeşilçam movie #MaviBoncuk #YalıÇapkını /12

But while P represents his youth & the past, S is symbolic of his desired future. He’s been hedonistic till now. The way he’s stepping up to protect S isn’t accidental. He’s willingly growing up & wants to be her hero. Even he doesn’t understand his love. #YalıÇapkını /13

F is aware he’s in between gunpowder & fire by having Seyran/Pelin in the same room. While he makes the mood light w/ his inappropriate jokes, his chat w/ Abidin captures how he’s trying to keep the situation contained. #YalıÇapkını /14

His primary goal is to keep Suna protected & safe until the marriage conversation is off the table. They will make next plans after. He tries to imbibe the same sense of logic into Seyran who’s petrified w/ events. #YalıÇapkını /15

S, like us, assumes that F is off his rockers & pretending like the last night never happened. He’d already apologized to her & in the car (jokingly) admits 1) he was weird dynamics w/ women & 2) he hadn’t imagined her taking up the challenge. #YalıÇapkını /16

After bringing Suna home, he spends the whole day w/ them, working hard to make Suna feel comfortable in this new dynamic. After Ifakat’s intrusion, he’s all serious when he tries to set up his spying through Sultan. #YalıÇapkını /17

The past w/ Sultan is incredibly ugly. Teenager F has no sense of propriety or boundaries but neither does this middle-aged nymphomaniac. I think their tryst ended before F left for USA b/c he’s been with P for 3 yrs #YalıÇapkını /18

His recent interactions w/ Sultan have been platonic from his POV, not for lack of BROAD hints from the hussy. The way he has to keep fending her off is nothing short of sexual harassment. #YalıÇapkını /19

I suspect there were dominatrix power plays during F’s sexual experimentation w/ Sultan. It’s disgusting but it’s in the past. Maybe Firat is a product of that & that’s another ugly direction makers can choose to ignore. I know it's a turn-off for many #YalıÇapkını /20

Ferit’s current indiscretion is only w/ P, & since his marriage, he’s only shown to sleep w/ her once. If Suna kiss/kidnapping hadn’t happened, would he’ve stayed true to his promise of walking away from P? #YalıÇapkını /21

Some commented that the youngsters seemed unaware of the cruelty Esma faces of home. On the contrary, all are aware of the risks but they're trying to survive. Conscious choice was made to save Suna. Under his laughter, Ferit is aware of the realities. #YalıÇapkını /22

He asks the girls to lock the door while he manages risks downstairs. While ugly Sultan paws him again while he's warning her about her DAUGTHER, I appreciate Yusuf doing the right thing & F's dash to save Seyran #YalıÇapkını /23

F will most likely take the blame & stay true to his promise of trying his best to protect the women. He's always been one to bend known rules & he pushed the limits this ep to keep them safe. Does he do it all mindfully? Prob not. #YalıÇapkını /24

Will he do other stupid, hurtful things towards Seyran? Probably yes. But there’s no denying that contrasting with his youthful tryst w/ Sultan, and fling with Pelo, what he’s beginning to feel for Seyran is far deeper. #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer /25

In a seemingly Suna-centered episode, a lot happened for #SeyFer. He recognizes how incomplete Seyran will be w/o her sister & mother. His, & the story’s, focus on them isn’t redundant. The girls' childhood trauma is very real. W/o healing, there’s no SeyFer. #YalıÇapkını /26

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