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Musings of the Soul • I muse about #GlobalEntertainment #Dizis #SocialJustice #PopCulture • @/soul_phoems | IG • #mhMusings | Opinions my own
Apr 25, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
Finally finished #YalıÇapkını 29; I won’t be surprised if it takes me longer next week. Seyran did the right thing for her. Not a single man in her life - one who calls her daughter, one who calls her granddaughter, one who calls her wife, treated her like a human being. /1 Ferit pushed her buttons w/ P till the end, refusing to put boundaries around the spineless sloth b/c he’s Ferit Korhan & only he gets to decide when it’s the end. Seyran’s pleas, requests fell on deaf ears while he still kept chatting with Sadik. #YalıÇapkını /2
Apr 22, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1Sen says the story was always supposed to go towards SeyFer divorce & Ferit plan to marry P. That assertion was made at ~ 19. Did the fans hold a gun to their heads that they took 10 weeks, 2 mafia interventions & Seyran suddenly become unbending after everything she embraced? 1 Did the fans force the writer to pen a convoluted plot about a Ifakat scheming that Ferit discovers & never discloses to the one who matters? Did the fans force 1Sen to keep inciting the fandom w/ unnecessary posts about P, putting a target on the girl’s back? 2
Jan 21, 2023 34 tweets 15 min read
OBJECTIVITY ~ when emotions run high, human beings lose sight of this. #SeyFer displays this in copious amounts & so do the tired fans who are spent from watching the seemingly same rigamarole for 18 weeks. Here’s my analysis 🧵 for Ep 18 #YalıÇapkını/1 Image We are still reeling from Ferit’s psychotic skit w/ P in 17, when it got piled on w/ his altercation w/ Serter, screaming spree w/ P over phone, & another explosive argument w/ Seyran, during which he even sends Ifakat packing #YalıÇapkını/2
Jan 18, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
Alternate POV: "I'm ashamed for you" was not said to Seyran. #SeyFer is going through a power struggle to see how much each can assert boundaries on the other. He'll create a scene at the restaurant but maybe he gets closer to accepting his feelings for her #YalıÇapkını/1 Image On a wide spectrum of how 'abuse' is defined, Ferit tries to make himself look better against Kazim's more crude/visible form of abuse. He doesn't self-reflect enough to accept the psychological abuse he inflicts on Seyran #yalıçapkını/2 Image
Jan 15, 2023 25 tweets 15 min read
BOUNDARIES ~ With the discovery of Orhan & Ifakat, Ferit turns to the worst of his attitudes. Trust in life broken, he goes overboard w/ his need to control. Simultaneously, Seyran becomes firmer w/ her boundaries. My 🧵 on Ep17 #YalıÇapkını/1 Though he came to Defne’s w/ wrong intentions, he responds to Seyran’s steadfastness. Through his caustic & eventually broken behavior, he lets her hold him, calm him down. He doesn’t shove her away. #YalıÇapkını/2
Jan 10, 2023 18 tweets 8 min read
In r’ships hurtful words/actions are said/taken. Sometimes w/ intention, or as a habit, or blinded by anger or whatever. One can forgive but one doesn’t forget. Why is it worthy for Seyran to keep fighting for this r’ship? What does love really mean to her? #YalıÇapkını/1 In earlier episodes, she made it clear if there’s no trust, there’s no love. She moved on from Yusuf solely on this principle. She still doesn’t trust Ferit w/ her heart but she loves him. Why? B/c he played savior? Made her feel special at times? Habit? #YalıÇapkını/2
Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
There are 🧵 on Ferit’s psychological disorder, most likely Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). I’m not a trained psychologist; I don’t find his charlacterization or plots to be consistent enough to provide a clinical perspective on his character #YalıÇapkını /1 Taking surface elements from NPD & transposing them onto Ferit or how he affects people around him is a rather irresponsible approach to highlighting the problem, IMO. Either do it with full integrity with clinical consultants on staff or write a good drama #YalıÇapkını/2
Jan 8, 2023 26 tweets 16 min read
FOUNDATIONS OF OUR LIVES ~ families are tightly woven fabrics & parents provide our starting point to how we form our own. We subconsciously model our life goals either as a mirror of values we admire and/or an antithesis to what we couldn’t. Ep16 🧵 shows this in #YalıÇapkını /1 As soon as Seyran started making comical motions to renege on her promise on the bet, it was evident we’ll have another episode of variable progress in the #SeyFer relationship. Their cat & mouse games are becoming tiresome even though the bickering seems cute #YalıÇapkını /2
Jan 2, 2023 21 tweets 12 min read
LOVE OVER EGO ~ Ferit’s a problem child but the whole story hinges on how he changes w/ Seyran in his life. This ep. is a poor follow-up to the high of Seyran’s departure in 14, but there’s still perceptable growth. My 🧵 on the good, bad & the ugly in 15. #YalıÇapkını /1 Thematically, through Halis/ Hattuçe, Ferit/Seyran exchanges, we see a focus on love over ego. W/ how F is, letting S walk off while preserving his sense of self-righteousness is most expected of him. Yet, he breaks down, confronts himself & goes after her. #YalıÇapkını /2
Dec 26, 2022 25 tweets 15 min read
Chip Off The Old Block ~ Halis, the benevolent dictator, is the strongest male role model for the Korhans. He holds his position of power thru passive aggressive traits & financial strength. In his anger, he has no decorum in what he says; nor does Ferit. #YalıÇapkını /1 🧵 ImageImageImageImage Orhan, the spineless son, philanders outside his marriage in his bid for control in his life, as does Ferit. Ifakat isn’t his only transgression. Family must know more for F to make this comment to Taylan. In response, he sees his mother accept it all graciously. #YalıÇapkını /2 Image
Dec 15, 2022 17 tweets 9 min read
Ego, narcissism, delusions are very real in many complex men. Seyran sees beyond Ferit's overt transgressions w/ P. Unyielding until he becomes available to her fully, she intuitively understands how he's trapped within his coping mechanisms #YalıÇapkını / 1 I don't see Seyran as weak for falling in love w/ Ferit. Women have a diff. resilience than men. Though she grew up in an abusive household, women have been conditioned for centuries to be subservient to men, leading to a quiet acceptance of status quo ala Esme #YalıÇapkını / 2
Dec 4, 2022 25 tweets 14 min read
Patterns, triggers, intentions, institution of marriage & growth in relationships ~ these are the themes I explore in my analysis for this week's 🧵on Ep11 of #YalıÇapkını #SeyFer /1 Ferit's in love with Seyran and doesn’t realize it; whenever he’s spurned, he finds it easier to look at external factors rather than look inward into the great womanizer Ferit Korhan. He still feels slighted about not knowing re: Yusuf from first day of marriage. #YalıÇapkını /2
Nov 27, 2022 25 tweets 11 min read
Traditions, trust, & love language ~ what does that mean in the agency of characters? These are the themes I explore in my analysis for #SeyFer #YalıÇapkını Ep10. 🧵/1 Ferit’s compassion shines when he consoles Seyran after Suna’s escape, keeping her focused on ways they can keep Suna protected. He furthers this in his impassioned speech w/ Dede. #YalıÇapkını /2
Nov 21, 2022 26 tweets 16 min read
Are characters evolving or stagnated in #YalıÇapkını?
Is #SeyFer a worthy couple?
Has Ferit regressed as a character? Does he deserve Seyran?
Is this story even about a love story one can root for?
These are the questions I'm exploring this week after Ep9 🧵/1 With each new ep, it's easy to forget the full context of the scene we start with. Ferit was wrong in making Seyran feel that was the only way she could save Suna. This scene shows his raw wounds from being repeatedly spurned by her #YalıÇapkını /2
Nov 9, 2022 16 tweets 7 min read
Trust issues in #SeyFer marriage ~ a 🧵. We can't underestimate the sense of trauma Seyran has when it comes to men. For her, the most important male figure was abusive, controlling, egotistical. Any hint from Ferit along these lines, Seyran automatically reacts. /1 #YalıÇapkını When she feels at fault, she goes quiet; when she has a more righteous stance, she fights hard and loudly. Ferit also has deep issues, growing up in this draconian household where he really doesn't have a voice. /2 #YalıÇapkını
Mar 28, 2021 11 tweets 9 min read
After a self-imposed SCK ban, 37 lured me in. To see #EdSer be a natural extension of their prior selves was great. To see Serkan be the man who loves Eda beyond reason, who changed from being a workaholic to dreaming about a family feels like a #tb to our #SenÇalKapımı 👇 👆Serkan’s hurtful attitude towards Eda 29-35 was unbearable. Brain trauma doesn’t excuse this level of inconsistency. Flaunting Selin at will, insinuations about their physicality killed #EdSer and when he comes back after a random fight, I wanted Eda to leave #SenÇalKapımı 👇