Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist Profile picture
Lawyer. Journalist. Satirist. Protest Watcher. Tweets ≠ legal advice. RTs, likes ≠ endorsements.

Nov 23, 2022, 8 tweets

🧵 As I continue pulling back the curtain on harassment from purportedly “anti-hate” accounts, here’s an illustration of how unprincipled these haters can be.

Leading up to the provincial election, one of them reported me as an unregistered third-party advertiser.

Elections Ontario opened an investigation based on the complaint about my #GetTheFordOut lawn signs and merchandise.

I cooperated fully by providing my perspective.

I was vindicated but the experience left a bad taste in my mouth.

What was meant to be a cheeky campaign to increase political engagement through art & comedy needlessly wasted public resources thanks to a complaint made out of spite.

It takes a special person to claim progressive values while white knighting for Doug Ford by attacking a brown Muslim woman.

For the record, I am less of a threat to democracy than a premier who casually invokes the notwithstanding clause to override our constitutional rights.

Anyway, here’s Keven Ages hanging out with two of my other online & IRL harassers, Gisela McKay and former (?) Proud Boy Josh Chernofsky.

The group is pretending to steal a plant in solidarity with another harasser and Canadian Anti-Hate Network contributor, Morgan Yew.

ICYMI Here’s the background story to the plant fiasco:

I do not limit shining a light to one “side” of the political spectrum or the other.

That’s what makes me reviled.

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