Caryma Sa'd - Lawyer + Political Satirist Profile picture
Lawyer. Journalist. Satirist. Protest Watcher. Tweets ≠ legal advice. RTs, likes ≠ endorsements.
Kritikkal 🇨🇦 Profile picture magicaldancingpants Profile picture Brooke N. Rubbers Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 20 67 tweets 14 min read

@UofT Motion for Injunction to remove the People’s Circle for Palestine encampment — DAY 2

Follow along for live-tweeting.

📸 May 6, 2024

#cdnpoli #Toronto #Palestine #Israel #Gaza #ProtestMania Catch up on the Applicant’s submissions from June 19, 2024:
Jun 13 31 tweets 7 min read

Lesage v The Attorney General of Canada

This case is about meaningful access to information about court operations in Ontario.

“If you want to improve something, you need to have some baseline against which to measure that improvement.” - @michaelsfirm

#cdnpoli #onpoli #lawtwitterImage At issue is whether the open court principle applies to “bulk requests” for public court records.

For his part, Lesage wants to analyze and publish statistics on how many civil cases are before the courts, the number of judge-only vs jury trials, and disposition rates of cases. Image
Mar 1 8 tweets 2 min read

Yesterday, my gang stalkers published what they believe to be my home address by retrieving a Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) decision from @CanLII.

This is the literal definition of doxxing— thankfully, the information is not up to date.

#cdnpoli #ProtestMania The same accounts who label me “Nazi”, “fascist”, “antisemitic”, “Zionist”, “anti-Black”, “anti-Asian”, “anti-Indigenous”, “transphobic”, “bigot”, “plant for white supremacy”, etc. now claim that I was evicted and rendered homeless.

None of the above is true.
Jan 15 5 tweets 2 min read
Perennial protester Deana Sherif has taken her performative brand of activism from the streets to strangers’ doorsteps.

I received confirmation of a hate incident report submitted by a third party to B’Nai Brith, as well as a police report number.

#cdnpoli #Ottawa #ProtestMania Image Nobody should be met at the door with hostile provocations from a woman who is known to seek conflict and violence.

One wonders whether this is a pretence for mezuzah mapping.

📸 Jan 14, 2024 (Deana Sherif)

#cdnpoli #Ottawa #ProtestMania
Dec 31, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read

MPP Joel Harden and Deana Sherif are both perennial protesters.

They have each participated in several anti-convoy, drag storytime, anti-anti-SOGI, and pro-Palestine demonstrations— sometimes, they stand side-by-side.

#cdnpoli #ProtestMania
Based on footage from June 9, 2023, MPP Joel Harden and Deana Sherif appear to know each other to some degree.

Joel threw himself between Deana and anti-SOGI counter protesters.

It is unclear whether he was trying to shield her, rein her in, or something else.

📸 Edgy D
Dec 5, 2023 19 tweets 6 min read
“Canada’s Rally for the Jewish People” on Parliament Hill was set up by Canada’s Jewish Federations and the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA).

One of Ottawa’s most prolific protesters attended to counter demonstrate.

🧵 on my takeaways:

📸 Dec 4, 2023 (Deana Sherif) CIJA conflates Israel with Jewish identity in its very name, which blurs the line between politics and ethnicity/creed.

Dehumanizing language takes on loaded meaning in this context:

“They’re insane. They’re animals.”

📸 Dec 4, 2023 (Deana Sherif)
Nov 1, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read

Many are asking who organizes or trains the “marshals.”

They do not answer questions, so the best I can do is speculate based on circumstantial evidence.

Here is some of what I know so far, and a personal anecdote.
Image Marshals are trained by the Movement Defence Committee (MDC), which is a branch of the Law Union of Ontario.

MDC also trains “legal observers.”

The organization purports to provide “legal support for progressive organizing and activism.” Image
Oct 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

Marshals at tonight’s vigil inexplicably profiled and obstructed my videographer, leading to his assault.

He’s Jewish. I’m Palestinian.

Watch the entire video and decide— who caused problems here?

#cdnpoli #Toronto #Palestine #Israel #Gaza We attend rallies to document, not disrupt.

There were many cameras rolling at the vigil, including newscasts.

Why single out an interfaith team with a track record of providing relatively fair and even-handed coverage?
Jul 19, 2023 81 tweets 14 min read

The Trial of Jeremy MacKenzie:

Application for Disclosure Today’s proceeding is a pre-trial motion brought by JM.

There are serious allegations that relevant evidence has been intentionally withheld.

JM is asking the court to order case-specific disclosure of all communications between police, government officials, and prosecutors.
Jul 14, 2023 18 tweets 6 min read

Statement of Claim (Federal Court)

Caryma Sa’d vs Morgan Yew, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, and John or Jane Doe

1/17 Image Statement of Claim (Federal Court)

Caryma Sa’d vs Morgan Yew, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, and John or Jane Doe

2/17 Image
Jul 1, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Pay attention to MPP Joel Harden in the background of this clip.

What does it look like he’s doing?

📸 Jun 28, 2023

#cdnpoli #Ottawa This happened a couple of minutes later.

Electronic whistles range from 100-120 dB. They can cause permanent hearing damage with close range use.

📸 Jun 28, 2023

#cdnpoli #Ottawa
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read

The only propaganda that can be more effective than lies is truth. I can only control my own actions, not how others react to what I say, do, or show.

Outside a few trusted confidantes, it is irrelevant from my perspective who supports/denounces me on any given day.

I am loyal to values, not strangers.

The court of public opinion is fickle.
Jun 11, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This video of MPP Joel Harden was recorded on June 9, 2023, at approximately 12:07 PM.

#cdnpoli #Ottawa Image
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
MPP Joel Harden allegedly got punched in the face at yesterday’s protest.

Here, he stands by while his comrade shoves a noisemaker in my ear.

Physically violent behaviour occurs on a spectrum, and none of it should be normalized.

📸 Jun 9, 2023

#cdnpoli #Ottawa I am consistent in my positions.

Constant truck honking during the convoy/occupation was painful, and fairly described as a violent tactic.

The same applies to this red contraption which was deployed in a targeted way.

That’s MPP Joel Harden hiding his face beside the culprit.
May 24, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

The Trial of Jeremy MacKenzie:

Application for Disclosure For the record, I am not (and never have been) Jeremy MacKenzie’s defence counsel.

My attendance at the Public Order Emergency Commission was to provide expert advice on the convoy to JM’s lawyer, Sherif Foda.

There is no conflict in my legal reporting on today’s proceedings.
Mar 6, 2023 15 tweets 5 min read

A lot of people seem confused about the tort of defamation.

I provide a quick primer, as well as a case study for perusal.

Download the PDF or scroll through this thread to read a solid example of defamation pleadings.

#cdnpoli #Defamation101… Plaintiff’s Claim

Caryma Sa’d v Erica Ifill
Mar 4, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
Somehow, it’s doubtful the orders to exclude me from Conservative rallies come straight from the top— frankly, I am not that important.

It probably has to do with my comics, and not the one(s) you might assume.

I believe Ivana Yelich and Brian Lilley may be the starting point. Image I was not the only one turned away from Doug Ford’s campaign kickoff in May 2022.

Press secretary Ivana Yelich directed Zach to remove David Menzies and the Hat; she was the decision-maker.

Menzies flags the apparent conflict of interest between her and reporter Brian Lilley.
Feb 26, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read

You’ve probably seen photos of the Prime Minister yelling back at a protester during a 🇺🇦 war vigil in Toronto.

I spent many weekends documenting Derick at rallies.

Listen to this speech in full.

📸 Dec 10, 2022

#cdnpoli #Peterborough Derick has posed with Pierre Poilievre, Maxime Bernier, and Christine Andersen.

He recently promoted a rally with Chris Sky, only to be shoved off “stage” by King Nico before getting to intro the “keynote.”

He seeks clout in a social media-driven world, but he is not a Nazi.
Feb 26, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I gave attention to community voices targeted and held hostage by demonstrators with ulterior motives, including via interviews with the drag storytime performer, library CEO, and mayor.

Thanks for the feedback, but other people do not get to decide what I cover.

#Peterborough Betty Baker spoke about her personal journey of self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of kindness and compassion:
Feb 26, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Last month, the Canadian Anti-Hate Network encouraged its supporters to “ICE OUT FAKE JOURNALISTS” at drag storytime events.

This led to me being physically harassed in Peterborough, including by CAHN writer Collin Chepeka.

The vague incitement was repeated this week.

#cdnpoli… Given the frenzy of hateful online discourse about me (#CarymaNgo), there is no question that the Canadian Anti-Hate Network effectively put a target on my back.
Feb 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
16-year-old Save Canada protester Josh Alexander was unaware of the “cock on a sock” photoshop controversy involving antifaux leader TonyYvce.

He confirmed off-camera it was an image of his brother, 18-year-old Nic.

So, not child pornography but still sexual harassment. TonyYvce posted the same cock on a sock image on photos of me, my cameraman, and Jeremy Mackenzie.

IMHO degrading people is wrong regardless of the target.

Twitter seems to agree, considering all tweets have been removed and TonyYvce’s account was locked for several hours.