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Nov 23, 2022, 6 tweets

Five UI/UX tips to improve your landing pages 👇

#SketchDesignChallenge 🔥

1/5. Poor text contrast on images.

Make sure that

🔷 the text on images is easy to read
🔷 it doesn't cover any important objects behind it (e.g. faces or products)
🔷 text contrast is good everywhere, not only on images

2/5. Navigation.

Don't hide navigation under hamburger icons on desktop devices.

That will hinder users to find necessary pages.

3/5. Company logo.

For some reason, I often see a company logo with a small line of text next to it.

It's hard to read.

Instead, make it a headline in the hero section.

4/5. Clickable area.

Ensure all your links and other elements that can be clicked have a large clickable area.

It improves the landing page usability.

5/5. Text length.

Don't make text lines too lengthy. It's hard to read such text.

There is no golden standard for this, but usually, something around ~70 characters per line looks good.

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