Cllr Oliver Patrick 🔶 🇬🇧 🍏 🕊 Profile picture
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Nov 23, 2022, 5 tweets

WARM HUBS NEED FRESH AIR || @SomersetCouncil’s Public Health Department has published this ⭐️ outstanding ⭐️ poster for warm hub organisers in #Somerset. A thread 🧶

✅ There is a clear message on ventilation, how to measure it, and when action is needed

🚨 >1,500ppm is “UNSAFE”

✅ There is also a clear message on masks👇

✅ There is even a clear message on air filtration where good ventilation proves difficult to achieve👇

So, to end my TED Talk: open the windows and filter the air - washing your hands and hoping for the best is NOT enough

📢📢📢 If any warm hub organisers want my help measuring the CO2 in their warm spaces then get in touch - I am happy to bring my monitor to you

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